I see you there, don't know where you come from

Unaware but you're still from someone

Don't Appear to care that I saw you, and I want you

What's your name? Cause I have to know it

You let me in and begin to show it

I'm terrified cause you're headed straight for it, might Get it

Hear the song playin on background

All alone but you're turnin up now

And everyone is risin to meet ya, to greet you

Turn around and you're walkin toward me

I'm breakin down and you're breathin slowly

Say the word and I will be your man, your man, say when


And my own two hands will comfort you tonight, tonight

Say when

And my own two arms will carry you tonight, tonight

Come close and then even closer

We bring it in but we go no further

We're seperate two ghosts in one mirror, no mearer

wanna - istiyorum
window - pencere
waking - uyanık
until - a kadar
unaware - habersiz
turns - dönüşler
turnin - geriye
there - Orada
terrified - korkmuş
toward - karşı
stops - durak
still - yine
spoken - konuşulmuş
someone - Birisi
sides - taraf
shake - sallamak
seperate - ayrı
risin - risin
comfort - konfor
breathin - nefes alma
fortunate - şanslı
century - yüzyıl
crack - çatlak
cause - sebeb olmak
background - arka fon
across - karşısında
chaos - kaos
bring - getirmek
closer - yakın
maybe - olabilir
again - Tekrar
fallen - düşmüş
breakin - sözünü kesmek
after - sonra
greet - selamlamak
alone - yalnız
chorus - koro
another - bir diğeri
hands - eller
begin - başla
appear - görünmek
carry - taşımak
might - belki
headed - başlı
walkin - yürüyorsun
around - etrafında
understood - anladım
close - kapat
hurricane - kasırga
nothin - hiçbir şey
tonight - Bu gece
began - başladı
playin - oynamak
everyone - Herkes
comin - geliyor
later - sonra
where - nerede
country - ülke
happened - olmuş
coming - gelecek
every - proszę uważać
outro - outro
straight - düz
further - ayrıca
ghosts - hayaletler
slowly - yavaşça
gonna - olacak
mirror - ayna
start - başlama
nation - ulus
broken - kırık
never - asla

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