Quiet the drone in the distance approaches

We hide, and hope they pass us by

Waiting in silence, praying they don’t find us

And maybe they’ll spare us our lives

Just maybe they’ll spare us our lives

Desolate village of sorrow and anguish

I stare upon what once was home

Explosions and flashes leave embers and ashes

And now I’ve got nowhere to go

And now we’ve got nowhere to go

Now, as the fire rains down from the sky

I see the love disappear from her eyes

I’ve seen the hearts of our people all change like the wind

A helping hand, I cannot find

Hold on

We’ll find a place to call our own

If I mourn, will you cry

Together we’ll live on alone

Life or death

We will not live forever

Or did you forget

whatever - her neyse
village - köy
tormenting - muzip
together - Birlikte
today - bugün
takes - alır
swallow - yutmak
sorrow - üzüntü
sleep - uyku
waiting - bekleme
silence - sessizlik
selflessness - bensizliktir
repeatedly - defalarca
reminds - hatırlatır
quiet - sessiz
place - yer
people - insanlar
nowhere - hiçbir yerde
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
nightmares - kabuslar
watching - seyretme
never - asla
myself - kendim
mother - anne
mistakes - hatalar
display - Ekran
smile - gülümseme
disappear - kaybolmak
child - çocuk
death - ölüm
cannot - yapamam
hearts - kalpler
mourn - yas tutmak
cursed - lanetli
carry - taşımak
where - nerede
beautiful - güzel
begins - başlar
survive - hayatta kalmak
alone - yalnız
light - ışık
conscious - bilinçli
approaches - yaklaşımlar
turns - dönüşler
anguish - ızdırap
bereft - yoksun
leave - ayrılmak
voice - Ses
blackened - isli
piece - parça
distance - mesafe
change - değişiklik
fading - solan
brave - cesur
beneath - altında
helping - yardım ediyor
early - Erken
stare - bakıyorum
flame - alev
echoes - yankıları
tears - gözyaşı
embers - köz
other - diğer
explosions - patlamalar
father - baba
spare - yedek
fight - kavga
drone - erkek arı
fireflies - ateşböcekleri
flames - Alevler
strong - Güçlü
rains - yağmurlar
praying - dua eden
forever - sonsuza dek
forget - unutmak
sister - kız kardeş
lives - hayatları
flashes - yanıp
ashes - küller
grave - mezar
hatred - kin
innocent - masum
pride - gurur
little - küçük
desolate - ıssız
looked - baktı
maybe - olabilir

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