Once there was a man, who lived alone in the shadows

He had no place that he could call home, and at night

he slept all alone

But one day the God loked his way and saw

the great might within him.

He gave him the power he needed to become

what he once had been

And so the legend begins of a story that's older

the time itself

Yes the greatest of sorserers is he. That' the

years - Yıl
rules - kurallar
killed - öldürdü
disappeared - kayboldu
awake - uyanık
couse - couse
great - harika
silent - Sessiz
legend - efsane
awakes - uyanır
future - gelecek
kingdom - krallık
greatest - en büyük
alone - yalnız
lived - yaşamış
oblivion - unutulma
begins - başlar
could - could
shall - -acak
always - Her zaman
sorcerer - büyücü
beings - varlıklar
begin - başla
itself - kendisi
equal - eşit
become - olmak
cause - sebeb olmak
shadows - gölgeler
hundreds - yüzlerce
controls - kontroller
living - yaşam
watched - izledi
might - belki
needed - gerekli
older - daha eski
place - yer
power - Güç
story - öykü
powers - güçler
there - Orada
night - gece
ritual - ayin
winds - rüzgarlar
sleep - uyku
slept - uyudu
until - a kadar
within - içinde

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