Evil is spreading around the world, like a deadly decease

The army of darkness has just one goal, death and

destruction to all

Wanling the powers of evil revealed, forcing

the mankind to kneel

Now they're coming from the seas, all with weapon in hand

The are raping, they are killing, they try to take

over our land

So it's time it's your destiny, help the mankind get free

So take the sword and saddle your horse

And be ready to fight for your life

And make the people, to put on their weapons

world - Dünya
weapon - silah
sword - kılıç
strange - garip
steel - çelik
soldiers - Askerler
saddle - sele
revealed - ortaya
received - Alınan
raping - tecavüz
powers - güçler
people - insanlar
never - asla
worships - tapan
destiny - kader
destruction - imha
decease - ölüm
their - onların
ready - hazır
kneels - diz çöker
victorious - muzaffer
death - ölüm
deadly - ölümcül
coming - gelecek
around - etrafında
horse - at
bleeding - kanama
field - alan
darkness - karanlık
enemy - düşman
blessing - nimet
light - ışık
weapons - silahlar
battlefield - savaş alanı
fight - kavga
forcing - zorlama
killing - öldürme
spreading - yayma
preparing - hazırlamak
kneel - diz çökmek
sense - duyu
joined - katıldı
mankind - insanlık

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