[Intro: T.I.]

Ay... say, pimp...

This to er'body strecthed out behind the walls...

Countin' days on they calendar...

Flippin' pages month to month...

Ay, man, I'ont give a damn how other folks treat ya, man

I just wanna-- I wanna let ya know, pimp

Y'een missin' nothin', homeboy... real talk

[Chorus: T.I.]

I know the time seem long, just try and keep strong

Put on ya headphones and rewind this song

Remember you ain't missin' nothin', homes

I promise you ain't missin' nothin', homes

Hey, just know the club on hold and the broads on pause

You get home, it's gon' be waitin' on y'all

So dawg, just know fa real you ain't missin' nothin', homes

I promise you ain't missin' nothin', homes

[Verse 1]

On er'ythang

My uncle did a decade

Came home, hit the ground runnin' gettin' paid

Like he never did a day

Hit the streets niggas still in the same place they was

'Fore he went in the chain gang and doin' the same thing

Cuz the game go on, you only do two days in the joint

The day you get locked up and the day you go home

I know it feel like the world passin' you by

yourself - kendin
worse - daha da kötüsü
worry - endişelenmek
world - Dünya
whenever - her ne zaman
visualize - görselleştirmek
tryna - çalıştığını
treat - tedavi etmek
thing - şey
there - Orada
story - öykü
still - yine
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
spirits - alkollü içkiler
showed - gösterdi
shawty - shawty
right - Sağ
worth - değer
reminisce - anmak
stress - stres
remember - hatırlamak
sentence - cümle
probably - muhtemelen
place - yer
streets - sokaklar
chain - zincir
could - could
murder - cinayet
folks - arkadaşlar
released - yayınlandı
ground - Zemin
closest - En yakın
walls - Duvarlar
chorus - koro
learn - öğrenmek
steps - adımlar
rewind - geri sarma
doors - kapılar
flicks - sinema
booth - kabin
decade - onyıl
calendar - takvim
talked - konuştuk
prepare - hazırlamak
committed - taahhüt
homes - evler
straight - düz
month - ay
behind - arkasında
second - ikinci
better - Daha iyi
niggas - zenciler
count - saymak
chance - şans
verse - ayet
jeezy - jeezy
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
pause - durma
ninth - dokuzuncu
uncle - amca dayı
everyday - her gün
minute - dakika
strong - Güçlü
release - serbest bırakmak
broads - karılar
about - hakkında
other - diğer
promise - söz vermek
headphones - kulaklık
itself - kendisi
gotta - lazım
homeboy - toprağım
intro - intro
believe - inanmak
joint - ortak
defense - Savunma
pages - sayfalar
again - Tekrar
locked - kilitli
never - asla
nigga - zenci
nobody - kimse
laugh - gülmek
piece - parça

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