[Verse 1]
Hello, my beautiful friend
Did you get the money that your mother sent?
Your pictures don't make sense
Are you happy or do you just pretend?
You live in a town made by movie stars and educated hearts
Might sound like Amy Winehouse singing in your car
Do you wanna play that part?
Wear a dress your record label bought you
Fall in love with some Californian boy
Fool me you think you could
You don't belong in Hollywood, no no
[Verse 2]
Hey kids, look at my face
vibrating - titreşen
tired - yorgun
three - üç
thought - düşünce
thinking - düşünme
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
still - yine
stars - yıldızlar
sound - ses
somebody - birisi
friend - arkadaş
being - olmak
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
beverley - beverley
belong - ait
direct - direkt
chorus - koro
boulevard - bulvar
change - değişiklik
every - proszę uważać
pretend - taklit
educated - eğitimli
dress - elbise
record - kayıt
beautiful - güzel
america - Amerika
awake - uyanık
audience - seyirci
loved - sevilen
sense - duyu
movie - film
class - sınıf
misunderstood - yanlış
bought - satın
could - could
people - insanlar
pride - gurur
point - puan
californian - Kaliforniyalı
beneath - altında
happy - mutlu
chase - kovalamak
pictures - resimler
standing - ayakta
hearts - kalpler
hello - merhaba
hollywood - Hollywood
money - para
jaguar - jaguar
laugh - gülmek
verse - ayet
might - belki
hopelessly - umutsuzca
mother - anne
music - müzik
tears - gözyaşı
reminiscing - reminiscing
label - etiket
singing - şan
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