All you folks think you own my life
But you never made any sacrifice
Demons they are on my trail
I'm standing at the crossroads of the hell
I look to the left I look to the right
There're hands that grab me on every side
All you folks think I got my price
At which I'll sell all that is mine
You think money rules when all else fails
Go sell your soul and keep your shell
which - hangi
walking - yürüme
willing - istekli
trying - çalışıyor
thing - şey
shell - Kabuk
sacrifice - kurban
think - düşünmek
folks - arkadaşlar
devil - şeytan
conjurer - afsuncu
first - ilk
fails - başarısız
devils - şeytanlar
standing - ayakta
cross - çapraz
crossroads - kavşak
myself - kendim
demons - iblisler
hands - eller
inside - içeride
money - para
mystical - tasavvufi
never - asla
point - puan
price - fiyat
thief - hırsız
reasons - nedenleri
trail - iz
should - meli
every - proszę uważać
protect - korumak
right - Sağ
rules - kurallar
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