This woman she knows the story of heartbreak

Beneath the weight of day

She's seen the hate on people's faces

Dark skin her only disgrace

She cries help me please

Lord help me please

Her children she taught them

How to be proud in the face of adversity

She gave them the love, respect and understanding

understanding - anlayış
sorrow - üzüntü
heart - kalp
heartbreak - keder
story - öykü
taught - öğretilen
hardship - sıkıntı
beneath - altında
disgrace - rezalet
cries - çığlıkları
adversity - sıkıntı
brought - getirdi
children - çocuklar
stands - standları
knees - dizler
proud - gururlu
woman - kadın
known - bilinen
faces - yüzleri
please - lütfen
respect - saygı
weight - ağırlık
knows - bilir
mountain - dağ
showing - gösterme

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