Is it so wrong if i don't pay my rent?
No! Responsibility, I gave it up for lent
Sell your wares, pollute the air
I don't care
Fresh air's for squares
Now if it were up to me
The piper would be up the creek
and the fiddler too
'Cuase neither one of you would be paid
I need the cash for getting laid ;P
And i don't mind
To seem unusually unkind
You ask what kind of guy am I
I'm a friend of the irresponsible fools
Who don't have time for rules
The irresponsible who wouldn't
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
fresh - taze
friend - arkadaş
fools - aptallar
chores - ev işleri
bored - canı sıkkın
forsaken - terkedilmiş
feeling - duygu
dolphin - yunus
without - olmadan
think - düşünmek
distracted - dikkati dağılmış
irresponsible - sorumsuz
aware - farkında
leave - ayrılmak
school - okul
fiddler - kemancı
whole - bütün
skirt - etek
burns - yanıklar
piper - gaydacı
before - önce
responsibility - sorumluluk
rules - kurallar
aerosol - aerosol
gotten - kazanılmış
about - hakkında
bloody - kanlı
happens - olur
getting - alma
caught - yakalandı
rogue - düzenbaz
miracle - mucize
neither - ne
requires - gerektirir
never - asla
pathetic - acıklı
tastes - tadı
politically - politik olarak
creek - dere
pollute - kirletmek
unkind - kırıcı
unusually - alışılmadık
should - meli
squares - kareler
those - bu
walked - yürüdü
quite - oldukça
wares - mallar
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