Hate – Greed – Worlds turn to ashes

War – Creed – No sign from heaven

Burn – Bleed – All just for nothing

For centuries I've wandered here

Across the ashes of mankind

The blood been spilled, the hopes deceived

There is no water turned to wine

A golden age, a woven maze

Of stolen strings and fake bliss

Keep on bleeding, self-deceiving

All or nothing, make-believing

That the winner will always be you

See the clouds in the sky still burning

woven - dokuma
wiping - silme
winner - kazanan
white - beyaz
water - su
watch - izlemek
visions - vizyonlar
creed - inanç
there - Orada
covers - kapaklar
beauty - güzellik
revealed - ortaya
thorns - dikenler
counting - sayma
dream - rüya
wandered - dolaştım
covered - kapalı
children - çocuklar
deceiving - aldatan
ashes - küller
deceived - aldatılmış
believing - inanan
could - could
worlds - dünyalar
always - Her zaman
eiderdown -
heaven - cennet
nightfall - akşam vakti
centuries - yüzyıllar
death - ölüm
bleed - kanamak
minds - zihinler
blood - kan
becoming - olma
bliss - mutluluk
mankind - insanlık
early - Erken
those - bu
turned - dönük
falls - düşme
flower - çiçek
foolish - aptalca
burning - yanan
golden - altın
greed - hırs
ground - Zemin
bleeding - kanama
hopes - umutlar
across - karşısında
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
clouds - bulutlar
roads - yollar
spilled - dökülen
still - yine
stolen - çalıntı
strings - dizeleri

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