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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
They say you are the
bravest of our captives.
They say you are a whore
from the eastern seas.
You're not the smartest.
Your commander is a Greek.
Just like me.
You Persian men take your
orders from a Greek woman.
Yes, my brother, I
am Greek by birth...
And I have Greek blood
running through my veins.
But my heart... is Persian.
Within hours...
the Greek fleet will be shattered.
What of our master and the
much-feared Spartans?
There's nothing to fear.
Only king Leonidas and his personal
guard of 300 have marched to fight.
They'll collapse instantly.
Do you agree?
Many will perish.
Your confidence leaves me
with a strong impression.
It's a curious thing for
a simple ship guard
to not lower his eyes
when questioned by me.
That could've been just
a lack of discipline.
But a man's hands do not lie.
They can reveal every imperfection
and flaw in his character.
You see, your hands are not rough enough
to work the rigging of this ship.
I know every single
man beneath my lash.
Can you explain to me
how I don't know you?
Forgive me, commander.
Let me introduce myself.
Seize the spy.
within - içinde
whore - fahişe
strong - Güçlü
veins - damarlar
spartans - spartans
single - Tek
simple - Basit
shattered - paramparça
seize - kaçırmamak
woman - kadın
forgive - affetmek
curious - meraklı
fight - kavga
feared - korkulan
agree - anlaşmak
confidence - güven
birth - doğum
discipline - disiplin
captives - esir
orders - emirler
imperfection - kusur
fleet - filo
through - vasitasiyla
marched - yürüdüler
master - ana
brother - erkek kardeş
instantly - anında
explain - açıklamak
beneath - altında
impression - izlenim
thing - şey
greek - Yunan
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
persian - Farsça
questioned - sorgulandığı
rigging - arma
blood - kan
bravest - en cesur
hours - saatler
character - karakter
commander - komutan
every - proszę uważać
myself - kendim
leaves - yapraklar
smartest - zeki
guard - bekçi
rough - kaba
eastern - doğu
hands - eller
heart - kalp
introduce - takdim etmek
collapse - çöküş
leonidas - leonidas
lower - alt
perish - yok olmak
enough - yeterli
personal - kişisel
reveal - ortaya çıkartmak
running - koşu
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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