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Öğrenmeye başla
As of tonight The new
bartender will be...
- Rhett
- Choice
And we got a new busboy
His name is Shane
Shane! Shane, come here. Come here
I couldn't find the right size
And remember It's you boys who
are truly New York's finest
One Chablis! Hey kid!
So what will it be?
What will it be?!
Where did they get you "Rocky?"
No talking to the animals, busboy
Greg man, can you help me please
This is how it works
Keep the bottles and the glasses
off the dance floor
Keep the champagne cold and
keep it flowing
You got to pay attention
to the V.I.P. area
Steve doesn't want ever them to pour
champagne for themselves
Now, listen up...
After everybody is all gone,
check the banquettes
We usually find some pretty good stuff
Is that Julie Black?
I think so. Ready?
There she was. Julie Black
Man, she looked even better in person
than on TV
She was from Jersey too
and she had made it
I really got to get out of here
and get some sleep
Stevie knew that we had no royalty
in this country
We had celebrity
and if he could provide
the opportunity
for regular people to dance
with all of the famous,
Studio would be one of a kind
And I was such a dumb kid
All these famous people,
and I didn't know who any of them were
And they'd all go,
Truman, Oh Truman
And I'd be thinking,
who the fuck is Truman?
truly - gerçekten
tonight - Bu gece
thinking - düşünme
these - bunlar
there - Orada
themselves - kendilerini
stuff - şey
studio - stüdyo
truman - Truman
floor - Zemin
where - nerede
champagne - şampanya
country - ülke
jersey - jersey
flowing - akan
finest - en güzel
ready - hazır
busboy - komi
chablis - chablis'de
banquettes - banquettes
animals - hayvanlar
attention - dikkat
really - gerçekten mi
after - sonra
remember - hatırlamak
bartender - barmen
famous - ünlü
everybody - Herkes
usually - genellikle
check - kontrol
talking - konuşma
black - siyah
choice - seçim
listen - dinlemek
bottles - şişeler
works - eserleri
please - lütfen
royalty - imtiyaz
dance - dans
person - kişi
would - olur
stevie - stevie
could - could
people - insanlar
celebrity - şöhret
better - Daha iyi
philadelphia - philadelphia
think - düşünmek
glasses - gözlük
julie - julie
steve - steve
looked - baktı
opportunity - fırsat
pretty - güzel
provide - sağlamak
shane - shane
regular - düzenli
rhett - Rhett
right - Sağ
rocky - kayalık
sleep - uyku
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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