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Robert Hoover will speak on behalf
of Delta House.
I don't think you can fully
judge a fraternity...
without looking at the positive
qualities of the people in it.
The Delta house
has a long tradition...
of existence to its members
and to the community at large.
I think we've heard enough,
Mr. Chairman.
- I was told I'd have a chance to stop...
- That's enough!
The court will now render
a decision.
- Well, look. You said I could speak...
- He said that's it!
- Are you deaf?
- Let's finish this damn thing.
Blow job!
- I don't think it's fair!
- I'll tell you what's fair and what's not!
Will you tell those assholes
to shut up?
Hey, shut up, you assholes!
Mr. President, do we have to
listen to any more of this?
Point of parliamentary
Don't screw around.
They're serious this time.
Take it easy.
I'm in pre-law, man.
- I thought you were premed.
- What's the difference?
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'll be brief.
What do you think he's up to?
The issue here is not whether
we broke a few rules or...
took a few liberties
with our female party guests.
We did.
But you can't hold
a whole fraternity responsible...
for the behavior of a few
sick, perverted individuals.
For if you do...
then shouldn't we blame
the whole fraternity system?
And if the whole fraternity
system is guilty...
then isn't this an indictment of our
educational institutions in general?
I put it to you, Gregg.
Isn't this an indictment
of our entire American society?
Well, you can do
what you want to us...
but we're not going to sit here
and listen to you...
the United States of America.
You're not walking out
on this one, mister.
You're finished. No more Delta!
You bought it this time, buster.
I'm calling your national office.
I'm going to revoke your charter!
And if you wise guys
try one more thing...
one more... I'm going
to kick you out of this college.
No more fun of any kind!
whole - bütün
walking - yürüme
united - birleşmiş
those - bu
without - olmadan
think - düşünmek
system - sistem
states - devletler
society - toplum
serious - Ciddi
screw - vida
render - kılmak
qualities - nitelikleri
positive - pozitif
perverted - sapık
people - insanlar
office - ofis
mister - bay
members - üyeler
president - devlet başkanı
looking - seyir
listen - dinlemek
procedure - prosedür
point - puan
decision - Karar
college - kolej
court - Mahkeme
delta - delta
gregg - gregg
thing - şey
charter - tüzük
chance - şans
finished - bitmiş
robert - robert
assholes - götler
gentlemen - beyler
going - gidiş
tradition - gelenek
america - Amerika
difference - fark
calling - çağrı
parliamentary - meclis
individuals - bireyler
could - could
bought - satın
educational - eğitici
large - geniş
community - toplum
buster - alem
american - Amerikan
blame - suçlama
premed - Premed
female - kadın
whether - olup olmadığını
existence - varoluş
national - ulusal
around - etrafında
fully - tamamen
party - parti
judge - hakim
revoke - geri almak
chairman - başkan
behavior - davranış
enough - yeterli
guests - misafir
broke - kırdı
fraternity - kardeşlik
entire - Tüm
institutions - kurumlar
thought - düşünce
ladies - kadınlar
rules - kurallar
brief - kısa
general - Genel
mouth - ağız
liberties - imtiyazlar
finish - bitiş
house - ev
guilty - suçlu
behalf - adına
heard - duymuş
speak - konuşmak
responsible - sorumluluk sahibi
hoover - elektrik süpürgesi
indictment - iddianame
issue - konu
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