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Öğrenmeye başla
Look, I know you got a problem, Janine.
But I don't see how this mess your boys
are in has got anything to do with me.
So if you've called me in here to see
if there's some strings I can pull,
then you're way off course.
Is that what this is about?
Hey, Randall, before you go on,
this boy who's currently
being looked after--
tell me if you agree with this--
this boy who's being looked after,
he knows who you are.
And you know how these things go.
They're gonna ask him
all sorts of questions
about everything he's ever seen or done.
Everyone he's ever met.
The whole shemozzle.
And you've done some bad things, sweetie.
Haven't you?
I want this part to be clear.
This is not about you
doing me a favour or...
me blackmailing you,
anything like that.
It's just a bad situation for everyone.
Ezra's got the address.
It shouldn't be too hard
to set up a raid on the house.
There'd be reasonable grounds,
what with all the strange activity,
the comings and goings day and night.
One of the neighbours might've seen
a gun or something.
This is your area of expertise.
I'm not trying to tell you
how to suck eggs.
What do you think?
I really don't see how
anything can be done, Janine.
I feel sick about this.
I'm not happy at all,
not one little bit.
But we do what we have to do.
We do what we must.
Just because we don't want to do
something doesn't mean it can't be done.
whole - bütün
currently - şu anda
goings - gidişat
gonna - olacak
trying - çalışıyor
called - denilen
address - adres
comings - geliş
little - küçük
anything - her şey
activity - aktivite
everything - her şey
because - Çünkü
about - hakkında
doing - iş
clear - açık
shemozzle - gürültülü kavga
agree - anlaşmak
looked - baktı
favour - iyilik
these - bunlar
before - önce
being - olmak
blackmailing - şantaj
happy - mutlu
strange - garip
house - ev
janine - janine
randall - Randall
situation - durum
expertise - uzmanlık
knows - bilir
night - gece
problem - Sorun
after - sonra
sorts - sıralar
questions - sorular
reasonable - makul
everyone - Herkes
really - gerçekten mi
grounds - zeminler
something - bir şey
course - kurs
things - eşyalar
think - düşünmek
neighbours - komşular
strings - dizeleri
sweetie - tatlım
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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