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Öğrenmeye başla
Not everybody think, you know,
reparations is a good idea, dog.
Reparations is stupid.
Now I'm surprised to hear you say that.
I figured you'd make a case
for how slavery got y'all oppressed and...
How the white man
got his foot on your neck.
Giving out money wouldn't do nothing.
Look at hammer.
Man, slavery, man, it ruined my whole life.
But I ain't taking reparations.
Cause as a black man,
I got my pride and my dignity.
You know that that's bull. You know why?
Because you got bills.
Your brothers ain't letting no money get by.
Next, you'll get talk about
how Jews got money...
Jews didn't get money,
the holocaust survivors got the money.
Is that not respirations?
Is that respirations?
Well I think every black person should at least get $100,000.
What do you think that's gonna do?
That won't do nothing but make Cadillac
number-one dealership in the country.
So everywhere you look, there's opportunity.
I had this opportunity to get
this job last month.
This crack-ass cracker
going to tell me I need a diploma.
Now, right there, that's racism,
that's classism, that's eroticism.
Man, man, come on,
I'm talking 'bout "isms" up and...
We don't need reparations.
All right? We need restraint.
- Restraint?
- Restraint.
- Some discipline.
- Whatever.
Don't go out and buy a range rover
when you living with your mama.
And pay your mama some rent.
And can we please, please,
please, try and teach our kids something other
than a chronic album?
And, please, black people, be on time...
For something other than
free before 11:00 at the club.
You know what? That was a passionate
and surprisingly well-articulated argument.
- You mocking me?
- Not at all, sir.
I'm actually... I applaud your... your virtuosity.
You know what, schoolboy?
For your information...
A scallop is a shellfish.
No, I'm afraid it isn't.
No, I'm afraid it is.
Because it's a mollusk.
Before it comes to your dinner plate...
It got two shells wrapped around it,
just like a clam.
College boy.
whole - bütün
white - beyaz
there - Orada
teach - öğretmek
taking - alma
surprisingly - şaşırtıcı biçimde
something - bir şey
should - meli
shells - kabuklar
schoolboy - okul çocuğu
rover - korsan
right - Sağ
reparations - tazminat
racism - ırkçılık
pride - gurur
stupid - aptal
please - lütfen
people - insanlar
ruined - harap
passionate - tutkulu
number - numara
country - ülke
shellfish - kabuklu deniz hayvanı
holocaust - soykırım
plate - plaka
chronic - kronik
bills - fatura
cause - sebeb olmak
brothers - kardeşler
person - kişi
cracker - kraker
dignity - haysiyet
virtuosity - ustalık
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
afraid - korkmuş
classism - sınıfçılık
applaud - alkışlamak
opportunity - fırsat
argument - tartışma
respirations - solunuma
crack - çatlak
slavery - kölelik
college - kolej
comes - geliyor
survivors - Hayatta kalanlar
album - albüm
diploma - diploma
restraint - kısıtlama
money - para
range - menzil
around - etrafında
actually - aslında
articulated - eklemli
talking - konuşma
other - diğer
about - hakkında
black - siyah
information - bilgi
before - önce
surprised - şaşırmış
dinner - akşam yemegi
living - yaşam
discipline - disiplin
scallop - tarak kabuğu
eroticism - erotizm
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
oppressed - mazlum
mocking - alaycı
letting - icar
whatever - her neyse
dealership - satıcılık
everywhere - her yerde
think - düşünmek
figured - anladım
wrapped - örtülü
giving - vererek
hammer - çekiç
least - en az
mollusk - yumuşakça
everybody - Herkes
month - ay
cadillac - cadillac
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
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