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Öğrenmeye başla
Sin, my bro.
Would you cut the "my brother" shit.
You're insulting my mother.
I'm not in business with Chili Palmer.
I'm the one trying to get him out.
That piece of shit stole my act.
Son of a bitch.
You set me up.
Who the hell are you?
I give you ticket
and you tell me Chili Palmer
come to my store and I kill him.
But, nyet.
No Chili come.
Yo, Tolstoy.
Take a number.
The cops come with ticket.
What cops?
Excuse me, Vladimir.
I don't know how
they do it in the Ukraine,
but, I believe I was here first.
Be cool, nigger.
Look, you don't understand.
This is how Chili Palmer operates.
It's like a game between us.
He knows I tried to set him up.
So, he did it right back to me.
Then game is over.
No more setups.
No more...
nigger cops.
Have you lost your mind?
I mean, how is it that you can
disrespect a man's ethnicity?
When you know we've influenced
nearly every facet of white America?
From our music to our style of dress,
not to mention your basic imitation
of our sense of cool.
Walk, talk, dress, mannerisms.
We enrich your very existence,
all the while contributing
to the gross national product
through our achievements
in corporate America.
It's these conceits that comfort me
when I'm faced with the ignorant,
cowardly, bitter and bigoted,
who have no talent, no guts,
people like you who desecrate
things they don't understand
when the truth is you should say
"Thank you, man"
and go on about your way.
But, apparently you're
incapable of doing that.
- Dabu.
- My bad, dawg.
And don't tell me to be cool.
I am cool!
Racial epithets.
Why does it always
come down to that?
Makes me sad for my daughter.
would - olur
while - süre
understand - anlama
trying - çalışıyor
tried - denenmiş
these - bunlar
thank - teşekkür
talent - yetenek
style - stil
store - mağaza
sense - duyu
right - Sağ
racial - ırk
piece - parça
things - eşyalar
people - insanlar
operates - faaliyet
nigger - zenci
nearly - neredeyse
ukraine - ukrayna
desecrate - hakaret etmek
tolstoy - Tolstoy
doing - iş
daughter - kız evlat
ticket - bilet
excuse - bahane
contributing - katkı
always - Her zaman
makes - markaları
national - ulusal
cowardly - korkakça
basic - Temel
setups - kurulumlar
business - iş
number - numara
disrespect - saygısızlık
insulting - aşağılayıcı
product - Ürün
brother - erkek kardeş
bitter - acı
white - beyaz
achievements - başarılar
ethnicity - etnik köken
corporate - tüzel
existence - varoluş
truth - hakikat
america - Amerika
about - hakkında
enrich - zenginleştirmek
between - arasında
vladimir - vladimir
stole - çaldı
believe - inanmak
bigoted - bağnaz
conceits - conceits
apparently - görünüşe göre
bitch - orospu
palmer - Hristiyan hacı
dress - elbise
every - proszę uważać
faced - yüzlü
first - ilk
through - vasitasiyla
chili - acı biber
epithets - lakaplar
gross - brüt
imitation - imitasyon
ignorant - cahil
facet - yön
incapable - aciz
should - meli
comfort - konfor
music - müzik
knows - bilir
mannerisms - tavırları
influenced - etkilenmiş
mention - söz etmek
mother - anne
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