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Öğrenmeye başla
Know what's so beautiful about this?
You two kids picked me.
You didn't have to, but you picked me.
It makes me want to kiss you guys.
Come on, come on, give me one.
All right, let's get down to business.
I've got a card around
here somewhere.
Here, here. Who do
I have to kill?
Here, hold that for me, will you?
- There you go.
- You don't have to kill anybody.
Ah, possession. Good.
Learn to throw your voice.
Fool your friends. Fun at parties.
No. We just wanna
get some people out of our house.
I understand. Well, look,
in order to do that,
I'm really gonna have to get
to know you guys.
We've got to get closer.
Move in with you for a while.
Get to be real pals.
You know what I'm saying? In--
Save that guy for later, huh?
My wife and I would like to ask
a couple of questions.
Sure, sure, sure.
Go ahead. Shoot.
For instance, what are
your qualifications?
Ah. Well, I attended Juilliard.
I'm a graduate of
the Harvard Business School.
I lived through the Black Plague.
And I had a pretty good time during that.
I've seen The Exorcist about 167 times. . .
. . .and it keeps getting funnier
every single time I see it.
Not to mention the fact
that you're talking to a dead guy.
Now, what do you think?
You think I'm qualified?
What I mean is, can you be scary?
Well, I know what you're asking me.
Can I be scary?
What do you think of this?
You like it?
- Excuse us, please?
- Sure. Talk amongst yourself.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Excuse me.
- What?
- Excuse me. We are leaving now.
Oh, come on. Don't go yet.
Hey, guy, come on. We're simpatico here.
Look at us, huh?
We even shop at the same store.
Yeah, there you go.
Hey, come on. We're like peas in a pod,
the three of us. Let's face it.
You want somebody
out of the house.
I want to get somebody
out of your house.
Look. We've been to Saturn.
Hey, I've been to Saturn.
Whoa. Sandworms.
You hate them, right?
I hate them myself.
Come on, kids, what do I have to do
to strike a deal with you two, huh?
- Don't you hate it when that happens?
- Let's go, Barbara.
Come on. Just come up for a while.
We'll talk inside. Come on.
We have to get out of here.
Home. Home. Home.
- Barbara, how did you do that?
- Hope you like Italian.
Where'd you go? Hey, come on.
Hey, where'd you go?
Hey. Come on.
You've got to work with me here.
I'm just trying to cut a deal.
What do you want me to do?
Where are you?
You bunch of losers!
You're working with a professional here.
Nice fucking model.
would - olur
working - çalışma
voice - Ses
trying - çalışıyor
times - zamanlar
throw - atmak
through - vasitasiyla
strike - vuruş
store - mağaza
somebody - birisi
while - süre
three - üç
single - Tek
simpatico - simpatico
there - Orada
shoot - ateş etme
school - okul
scary - korkutucu
saying - söz
really - gerçekten mi
questions - sorular
saturn - Satürn
qualified - nitelikli
wanna - istiyorum
qualifications - nitelikler
possession - mülk
please - lütfen
think - düşünmek
funnier - komik
bunch - demet
understand - anlama
barbara - barbara
excuse - bahane
around - etrafında
fucking - kahrolası
closer - yakın
getting - alma
inside - içeride
yourself - kendin
business - iş
sandworms - sandworms
lived - yaşamış
anybody - kimse
amongst - arasında
asking - sormak
friends - arkadaşlar
ahead - önde
right - Sağ
juilliard - Juilliard
losers - Kaybedenler
couple - çift
gonna - olacak
talking - konuşma
black - siyah
about - hakkında
where - nerede
beautiful - güzel
exorcist - cinci
pretty - güzel
attended - katıldı
plague - veba
during - sırasında
keeps - tutar
leaving - ayrılma
happens - olur
harvard - harvard
house - ev
instance - örnek
professional - profesyonel
learn - öğrenmek
picked - seçilmiş
graduate - mezun olmak
makes - markaları
italian - İtalyan
mention - söz etmek
model - model
every - proszę uważać
myself - kendim
somewhere - bir yerde
order - sipariş
later - sonra
parties - partiler
people - insanlar
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