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Öğrenmeye başla
My life is 24/7 bad.
I mean, the only happiness I get
is when I'm out with my son.
I've been to marriage counseling...
I've done things I never thought
I would have to do.
I've lit candles,
bought self-help books, lingerie.
- Did the candles help?
- Hell, no.
All right. I don't love her the way
she needs to be loved...
and I don't even see a future for us,
but then I look at my little boy...
sitting at the table across from me,
and I think I would suffer any torture
to be with him for
all the minutes of his life.
You know, I don't want
to miss out on one.
But then, there... there's no joy
or laughter in my home.
And I don't want him
growing up in that.
No laughter? That's terrible.
My parents have been
together for 35 years...
and even when they had a bad fight
they end up laughing like crazy.
I don't want to be one of those people
getting divorced at 52...
falling down into tears, admitting that
they never really loved their spouse
and they feel their life has been
sucked up into a vacuum cleaner.
You know, I want a great life.
I want her to have a great life...
she deserves that.
But we're just living in the pretense
of a marriage, responsibility...
you know, all these, these ideas
of how people are supposed to live.
But then I... I have these dreams...
What dreams?
I have these dreams,
you know, that...
I'm standing on a platform...
and you keep going by on a train...
and you go by, and you go by,
and you go by, you go by.
And I wake up with
the fucking sweats.
And then I have this other dream...
where you're pregnant in bed
beside me naked...
and I want so badly
to touch you
but you tell me not to and
then you look away.
I touch you anyway...
right on your ankle, and your skin is
so soft that I wake up in sobs.
And my wife is sitting
there looking at me,
and I feel like I'm a million
miles from her.
And I know that there's
something wrong...
that I can't keep living like this...
that there's gotta be something
more to love than commitment.
But then I think that
I might have given up...
on the whole idea of romantic love.
That I... I might have put it
to bed that...
That day when you weren't there.
You know, I think I might
have done...
years - Yıl
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
whole - bütün
where - nerede
torture - işkence
together - Birlikte
thought - düşünce
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
table - tablo
spouse - eş
something - bir şey
touch - dokunma
sitting - oturma
romantic - romantik
really - gerçekten mi
things - eşyalar
suffer - acı çekmek
people - insanlar
getting - alma
sucked - emdi
future - gelecek
dream - rüya
books - kitaplar
fucking - kahrolası
candles - mumlar
commitment - taahhüt
terrible - korkunç
platform - platform
divorced - boşanmış
deserves - hak
falling - düşen
sweats - terlemeleri
crazy - çılgın
loved - sevilen
beside - yanında
tears - gözyaşı
looking - seyir
right - Sağ
minutes - dakika
anyway - neyse
pretense - bahane
badly - kötü
supposed - sözde
admitting - itiraf
counseling - danışmanlık
naked - çıplak
vacuum - vakum
ankle - ayak bileği
across - karşısında
fight - kavga
dreams - rüyalar
little - küçük
given - verilmiş
marriage - evlilik
going - gidiş
train - Tren
these - bunlar
gotta - lazım
cleaner - temizleyici
other - diğer
great - harika
happiness - mutluluk
might - belki
ideas - fikirler
needs - ihtiyaçlar
laughing - gülme
responsibility - sorumluluk
bought - satın
laughter - kahkaha
those - bu
their - onların
lingerie - kadın iç çamaşırı
parents - ebeveyn
living - yaşam
standing - ayakta
pregnant - Hamile
miles - mil
growing - büyüyen
million - milyon
never - asla
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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