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Öğrenmeye başla
You just going to stand there,
you're going to grab something?
Shit! Coming back!
Let's get out of here!
Come on, Frank!
That's enough, Shingo.
Go to your studies.
You cannot get katana sword by stealing.
It is a very special sword.
You must earn it.
I wasn't going to steal it.
You didn't flinch. You
have fighting spirit.
You're not gonna call the cops?
Not if we make a deal.
What kind of a deal?
Your son and my son
are in the same school.
Frank sees my son's skill...
and he desires
to learn martial science, too.
Yes, but what do you mean
by martial science?
Frank's told me
you came to America to grow vines.
Yes, that's right.
I work at the Verne vineyard.
I came here to grow fish in my hatchery.
We both grow children.
You use science
to make vines grow better.
Like vines, children need training.
Martial science provides a way of training.
It brings mind, body, spirit together.
That's enough. That's all for today.
Not yet.
Why don't you quit, round-eye?
Not yet.
Go practice your katas.
How come you coach him, but not me?
I brought you here
to help me train my son.
Don't question me!
If you expect me to
be his punching bag,
you can forget about our deal.
Someday... I'll fight in the
kumite and make my father proud.
vineyard - üzüm bağı
verne - Verne
train - Tren
going - gidiş
fighting - kavga
forget - unutmak
brings - getiriyor
today - bugün
better - Daha iyi
expect - beklemek
coming - gelecek
kumite - kumite
special - özel
america - Amerika
training - eğitim
provides - sağlar
hatchery - üretme çiftliği
together - Birlikte
desires - arzuları
cannot - yapamam
practice - uygulama
katana - katana
gonna - olacak
studies - çalışmalar
children - çocuklar
father - baba
brought - getirdi
coach - koç
katas - katalar
punching - boks
learn - öğrenmek
martial - askeri
proud - gururlu
frank - dürüst
right - Sağ
fight - kavga
stand - durmak
vines - asmalar
round - yuvarlak
enough - yeterli
shingo - shingo
skill - beceri
something - bir şey
there - Orada
school - okul
question - soru
someday - birgün
spirit - ruh
flinch - korkmak
about - hakkında
steal - çalmak
stealing - çalma
science - bilim
sword - kılıç
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