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Comenzar a aprender
Everybody is scared of something.
Working through our fears, conquering them, is how we get better.
So, I want you to tell me, what scares you?
I'll tell you what scares me if you tell me what scares you.
Fair enough.
When I was a kid, I was climbing a tree,
and I accidentally put my hand through a giant hornets' nest.
And they didn't like it.
I was stung over a hundred times.
They had to rush me to the hospital.
Been afraid of hornets ever since.
I don't climb many trees either.
Everybody has fears.
Now, what scares you?
- Me. - You scare yourself?
Why? What about yourself scares you?
I have bad thoughts.
- About what? - People.
People in general or certain people?
Certain people.
- Like who? - You.
You have bad thoughts about me?
- Why? - I just do.
Did I do something or say something that upset you?
It's just the way you are.
How am I?
- Facile. - Facile?
Do you even know what that means?
Easily comprehended.
Often lacking sincerity or depth.
You're smug, too.
Want me to tell you what that means?
If I seemed smug or facile I want to...
Don't apologise.
Why not?
You're a grown-up.
It's embarrassing.
yourself - kendin
working - çalışma
through - vasitasiyla
thoughts - düşünceler
stung - soktu
sometimes - ara sıra
something - bir şey
sincerity - samimiyet
seemed - gibiydi
scares - korkutuyor
scared - korkmuş
scare - korkutmak
people - insanlar
hundred - yüz
climbing - tırmanma
comprehended - kavramış
about - hakkında
upset - üzgün
everybody - Herkes
climb - tırmanış
grown - yetişkin
means - anlamına geliyor
hornets - hornets
certain - belli
hospital - hastane
better - Daha iyi
accidentally - kazara
conquering - galip
since - dan beri
afraid - korkmuş
depth - derinlik
easily - kolayca
either - ya
lacking - eksik
embarrassing - utandırıcı
times - zamanlar
enough - yeterli
trees - ağaçlar
facile - kolay
often - sık sık
fears - endişe
general - Genel
apologise - özür dilemek
giant - Dev
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