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Öğrenmeye başla
The goddess Bast.
The Maus are sacred to Bast.
They're her messengers.
Wow. You wrote this?
I was a professor for 20 years…
…until I was denied tenure.
Male academia.
Bast is a rarity.
A goddess of the moon,
and of the sun.
She represents the duality in all women.
Docile, yet aggressive.
Nurturing, yet ferocious.
But what does all of this
have to do with me? I mean-
What happened the other night?
I don't remember.
Do you want me to tell you?
You died.
I didn't die. Look at me, I'm right here.
You died.
But you were reborn.
Oh, you're crazy.
You are a crazy cat lady.
Midnight knew your fate.
That's why she tested you.
To see if you were worthy
of a gift she could give you.
A gift that could change your life...
...and give you a new one.
You're not alone, child.
He's saved others before you. Look.
Catwomen are not contained
by the rules of society.
You follow your own desires.
This is both a blessing and a curse.
You will often be alone
and misunderstood.
But you will experience a freedom
other women will never know.
You are a catwoman.
Every sight, every smell…
...every sound, incredibly heightened.
Fierce independence, total confidence,
inhuman reflexes.
- So I'm not Patience anymore?
- You are Patience.
And you are Catwoman.
Accept it, child.
You've spent a lifetime caged.
By accepting who you are,
all of who you are... can be free.
And freedom is power.
You saved my life, Midnight.
But somebody killed me...
...and I've got to find out who,
and why.
years - Yıl
worthy - layık
tested - test edilmiş
tenure - görev süresi
spent - harcanmış
wrote - yazdı
smell - koku
sight - görme
sacred - kutsal
rules - kurallar
right - Sağ
represents - temsil
remember - hatırlamak
somebody - birisi
reborn - yeniden doğmak
rarity - enderlik
professor - [object Object]
every - proszę uważać
anymore - Artık
until - a kadar
desires - arzuları
denied - inkar
curse - lanet
goddess - tanrıça
contained - içeriyordu
patience - sabır
crazy - çılgın
duality - ikilik
academia - akademi
aggressive - agresif
accepting - kabul
total - genel toplam
alone - yalnız
women - kadınlar
confidence - güven
could - could
accept - kabul etmek
blessing - nimet
misunderstood - yanlış
caged - kafesli
child - çocuk
docile - uysal
before - önce
saved - kaydedilmiş
heightened - artan
power - Güç
ferocious - yırtıcı
fierce - sert
reflexes - refleksler
happened - olmuş
killed - öldürdü
follow - takip et
freedom - özgürlük
never - asla
catwoman - kedi Kadın
often - sık sık
experience - deneyim
incredibly - inanılmaz
others - diğerleri
independence - bağımsızlık
inhuman - insanlık dışı
lifetime - ömür
messengers - haberciler
society - toplum
change - değişiklik
night - gece
midnight - gece yarısı
nurturing - besleyici
sound - ses
other - diğer
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