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Öğrenmeye başla
My sister, Veronica, and I
had this double act.
And my husband, Charlie,
traveled around with us.
Now, for the last number
in our act...
we did these
20 acrobatic tricks in a row.
One, two, three, four, five...
splits, spread eagles,
backflips, flip-flops.
One right after the other.
So this one night before the show,
we're down at the Hotel Cicero.
The three of us boozin'
and havin' a few laughs.
And we run out of ice,
so I go out to get some.
I come back, open the door...
and there's Veronica and Charlie
doing number 17.
The spread eagle.
Well, I was in
such a state of shock...
I completely blacked out.
I can't remember a thing.
It wasn't until later
when I was washing the blood
off my hands
I even knew they were dead.
- They had it coming
- They had it coming
- I didn't do it
- She didn't do it
- But if I'd done it
- But if she'd done.
How could you tell me
that I was wrong?
They had it coming
all along
I didn't do it
But if I'd done it
How could you tell me
that I was wrong?
I loved Al Lipschitz
more than I could possibly say.
He was a real artistic guy.
Sensitive. A painter.
But he was always trying
to find himself.
He'd go out every night looking
for himself, and on the way...
he found Ruth, Gladys,
Rosemary, and Irving.
I guess you could say we broke up
because of artistic differences.
He saw himself as alive...
and I saw him dead.
The dirty bum,
bum, bum, bum, bum
- They had it coming
- They had it coming
- Then they abused us
- Then they abused us
Could you tell us
that we were wrong?
wrong - Yanlış
washing - Yıkama
trying - çalışıyor
tricks - püf nokta
three - üç
thing - şey
these - bunlar
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
spread - yayilmiş
splits - böler
sister - kız kardeş
until - a kadar
shock - şok
rosemary - biberiye
right - Sağ
doing - iş
dirty - kirli
husband - koca
completely - Tamamen
alive - canlı
cicero - Çiçero
artistic - artistik
veronica - veronika
broke - kırdı
possibly - belki
before - önce
blacked - karartılmış
blood - kan
differences - farklar
charlie - charlie
acrobatic - akrobatik
around - etrafında
could - could
always - Her zaman
after - sonra
abused - istismar
backflips - ters takla
night - gece
hotel - otel
double - Çift
eagle - kartal
eagles - kartallar
loved - sevilen
coming - gelecek
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
painter - ressam
flops - flop
number - numara
gladys - gladys
other - diğer
hands - eller
traveled - seyahat
himself - kendisi
irving - irving
sensitive - hassas
remember - hatırlamak
later - sonra
along - uzun bir
laughs - gülüyor
lipschitz - Lipschitz
guess - tahmin
found - bulunan
looking - seyir
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