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Öğrenmeye başla
Fishes terrorist leader Julian Taylor
was killed today
in a gun battle with
police near Canterbury.
Four other terrorists escaped
after murdering two officers.
Police say they have sufficient
forensic and surveillance evidence
to identify the four killers.
All suspects should be considered armed
and extremely dangerous.
This was broadcast an hour ago.
We have to assume it's just a matter of
time before they identify the rest of us,
which includes you, Theo.
- Why is he here?
- He's not a Fish.
- He's not one of us.
- I want him here.
Kee wants him, he stays.
We all agreed to deliver Kee to our
brothers and sisters in the Human Project.
- Right.
- Well. now we got to reevaluate that position.
No, there's no need.
We move forward with the original plan.
She'll never make it.
The police are looking for her.
We can find a way. It's what Julian wanted.
We'd be risking the girl's life.
Listen, listen! She belongs here.
And this baby is the flag
that could unite us all!
My baby's not a flag.
Make it public!
- What?
- What?
Excuse me?
You should make it public.
Well, you saw the telly.
She's about to be very public.
It doesn't matter. She's pregnant.
Oh, right. And then the
government will say,
"We were wrong. Fugees
are humans, too."
Yeah. Well, whatever is going on,
whatever your political ideas are,
it's irrelevant.
- It doesn't matter.
- Oh, come on.
She needs a doctor.
Look, the government
will take her baby
and parade a posh black English lady
as the mother.
Nobody's taking my baby!
We all know this government
would never acknowledge
the first human birth in 18 years
from a fugee.
A wanted fugee.
Why don't we explain to Mr. Faron
what they do to immigrants in this country?
He knows. He's seen the cages.
He's not that stupid.
I'm not going to the government.
You told me
you would get me to the Human Project.
You promised me.
And we will.
But I don't think it's safe
to try and reach the coast now.
You could stay here, Kee.
It's a safe place for you to
have your child.
And when you and the baby
are well enough,
we will find a way
to get you to the Human Project.
I promise you, Kee.
It could take months
to get back in touch with them again.
This is true.
We have to take it under consideration.
Kee, this is your decision.
What do you think?
I think you need proper care.
She has proper care!
Kee, this is your choice.
I have my baby here...
Then you get me to the Human Project.
Thank you, Kee. Thank you.
We need to organize safe houses.
No more than three days in one place.
No, no,
you can't keep moving her around.
years - Yıl
would - olur
which - hangi
wants - istiyor
unite - birleştirmek
under - altında
three - üç
think - düşünmek
thank - teşekkür
government - hükümet
forensic - adli
reach - ulaşmak
faron - faron
moving - hareketli
stupid - aptal
wanted - aranan
sisters - kız kardeşler
explain - açıklamak
enough - yeterli
includes - içerir
english - ingilizce
escaped - kaçtı
fugees - fugees
human - insan
deliver - teslim etmek
decision - Karar
houses - evler
immigrants - göçmenler
evidence - kanıt
organize - düzenlemek
dangerous - Tehlikeli
country - ülke
risking - riske
about - hakkında
other - diğer
again - Tekrar
before - önce
armed - silâhlı
after - sonra
battle - savaş
fishes - balıklar
considered - düşünülen
touch - dokunma
telly - televizyon
belongs - aittir
humans - insanlar
assume - üstlenmek
choice - seçim
around - etrafında
leader - lider
listen - dinlemek
agreed - kabul
promise - söz vermek
birth - doğum
first - ilk
taylor - taylor
broadcast - yayın yapmak
going - gidiş
child - çocuk
canterbury - canterbury
place - yer
knows - bilir
fugee - fugee
excuse - bahane
coast - sahil
cages - kafesler
original - orijinal
parade - geçit töreni
whatever - her neyse
irrelevant - ilgisiz
brothers - kardeşler
suspects - Şüpheliler
julian - Julian
killed - öldürdü
position - pozisyon
could - could
killers - katiller
looking - seyir
acknowledge - kabul
ideas - fikirler
matter - madde
months - ay
doctor - doktor
mother - anne
terrorists - teröristler
project - proje
wrong - Yanlış
murdering - katil
needs - ihtiyaçlar
officers - görevlileri
never - asla
extremely - Son derece
police - Polis
consideration - düşünce
taking - alma
should - meli
political - siyasi
pregnant - Hamile
promised - söz
reevaluate - yeniden değerlendirmek
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