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Öğrenmeye başla
You each have a lethal weapon.
If you denounce me to the police,
you will also be
exposed and humiliated.
I'll see to that in court.
But if one of you kills Wadsworth now,
no one but the seven
of us will ever know.
He has the key to the front door,
which he said would only be opened
over his dead body.
I suggest we take him up on that offer.
The only way to avoid finding yourselves
on the front pages,
for one of you to kill Wadsworth now.
- It's not Wadsworth!
- Is he alive?
Mr. Boddy.
Stand back! Give him air!
Let me see.
He's dead!
- Who had the gun?
- I did.
- Then you shot him!
- I didn't!
Well, you had the gun.
If you didn't shoot him, who did?
Nobody! Look.
There's no gunshot wound.
Somebody tried to grab the gun from
me in the dark and the gun went off.
Look! The bullet broke that vase
on the mantle.
Sorry. Excuse me.
He's absolutely right. Look, There's
a bullet hole here in the wall
See that?
- How did he die?
- I don't know!
I'm not a forensic expert!
One of us must have killed him.
I didn't do it.
I need a drink.
Maybe he was poisoned.
Mrs. Peacock, it's all right.
Sit down. Sit down.
I had to stop her from screaming.
yourselves - kendiniz
wound - yara
would - olur
which - hangi
tried - denenmiş
shoot - ateş etme
police - Polis
pages - sayfalar
opened - açıldı
expert - uzman
nobody - kimse
seven - yedi
excuse - bahane
alive - canlı
drink - içki
denounce - kınamak
somebody - birisi
avoid - önlemek
mantle - örtü
court - Mahkeme
sorry - afedersiniz
maybe - olabilir
weapon - silah
screaming - bağıran
bullet - mermi
absolutely - kesinlikle
stand - durmak
right - Sağ
broke - kırdı
exposed - maruz
wadsworth - wadsworth
gunshot - atış
finding - bulgu
forensic - adli
peacock - tavuskuşu
front - Ön
offer - teklif
humiliated - aşağılanmış
suggest - önermek
killed - öldürdü
poisoned - zehirlenmiş
kills - öldürür
lethal - öldürücü
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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