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Öğrenmeye başla
Can you imagine what this will do
for my reputation?
Screwing the new headmaster's
daughter before school starts.
She'll be my greatest victory.
You don't stand a chance.
Even this is out of your league.
Care to make a wager on that?
I'll think about it.
Oh, well. Duty calls.
Dr. Greenbaum and her daughter
should make for an exciting entry.
Oh Gee, your journal.
Could you be more queer?
Could you be more desperate
to read it?
Oh, Sebastian?
Could you come here for a second?
About that little wager of yours?
Count me in.
What are the terms?
If I win... then that hot
little car of yours is mine.
And if I win?
I'll give you something
you've been obsessing about...
...ever since our parents got married.
Be more specific.
In English
I'll fuck your brains out.
What makes you think
I'd go for that bet?
That's a 1956 Jaguar roadster.
Because I'm the only person
you can't have, and it kills you.
No way.
You can put it anywhere.
You got yourself a bet, baby.
yourself - kendin
wager - bahis
terms - şartlar
stand - durmak
since - dan beri
screwing - vidalama
queer - eşcinsel
parents - ebeveyn
obsessing - takıntı
married - evli
makes - markaları
count - saymak
starts - başlar
chance - şans
before - önce
sebastian - sebastian
anywhere - herhangi bir yer
roadster - binek atı
brains - beyin
about - hakkında
calls - aramalar
victory - zafer
reputation - itibar
greatest - en büyük
yours - seninki
school - okul
because - Çünkü
desperate - umutsuz
think - düşünmek
something - bir şey
daughter - kız evlat
english - ingilizce
second - ikinci
entry - giriş
league - Lig
person - kişi
exciting - heyecan verici
greenbaum - greenbaum
should - meli
imagine - hayal etmek
jaguar - jaguar
journal - dergi
kills - öldürür
specific - özel
could - could
little - küçük
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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