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Öğrenmeye başla
I would like to turn it over to my colleague
from the CDC to talk about prevention.
Mr. Woodroof.
Would you kindly tell us
what you're doing?
Oh, I'm just givin' people information,
Richard, about this trial I'm in.
To make sure they
know what's goin' on.
And what is going on?
Why d'you cut off
Peptide T, Richard, huh?
Non-toxic drug that
I got proof works,
and that the National
Institute of Mental Health,
your own people, say
is completely safe.
Mr. Woodroof, I'm afraid
that you are nothing more
than a common drug dealer, so if
you'll excuse us...
Oh, I'm the drug dealer?
No, you're
the fucking drug dealer.
I mean, God damn,
people are dying,
and y'all are
all up there afraid
that we're going to find
an alternative without you.
See, the pharma companies pay
the FDA to push their product.
So, fuck no, they don't
wanna see my research.
I don't have enough cash in my
pocket to make it worth their while.
Tell you what, I'm gonna be a pain in
your ass until I'm six feet under!
Maybe, maybe one day, you'll get off
your ass and do your fucking job!
I need you to leave, let's go.
Here, pass these around,
would you?
- Come on, sir. Let's go.
- Don't listen to those cocksuckers.
would - olur
works - eserleri
woodroof - woodroof
without - olmadan
pharma - ilaç
health - sağlık
leave - ayrılmak
prevention - önleme
gonna - olacak
under - altında
worth - değer
listen - dinlemek
doing - iş
fucking - kahrolası
until - a kadar
kindly - nazikçe
afraid - korkmuş
alternative - alternatif
enough - yeterli
toxic - toksik
about - hakkında
information - bilgi
colleague - çalışma arkadaşı
trial - deneme
common - Ortak
completely - Tamamen
excuse - bahane
maybe - olabilir
institute - enstitü
going - gidiş
mental - zihinsel
around - etrafında
cocksuckers - pislikler
dealer - satıcı
national - ulusal
companies - şirketler
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
people - insanlar
peptide - peptid
pocket - cep
there - Orada
product - Ürün
proof - kanıt
research - Araştırma
wanna - istiyorum
dying - ölen
richard - Richard
these - bunlar
their - onların
those - bu
while - süre
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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