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Öğrenmeye başla
Have a seat.
Man, you guys are lucky
to be alive.
You're right, Claire.
I would stay away from the cops.
Which is why we were hoping
that you would help us.
Well, it's the least I can do.
I mean, you were so patient with me.
All those long drives
up and down the turnpike.
Anyway, you were awesome.
Claire, don't leave me hanging.
That's what
I'm talking about.
I mean, I really did appreciate
all the time you gave me.
Yeah, sounds like you guys
had a lot of time together, alone,
together, without me
even knowing about it.
Tons. I mean, she went way above
and beyond the call.
It was my pleasure.
And this is definitely
the right place for you.
I bet the ladies
love it, too, right?
I... I do all right.
I bet you do
all kinds of right.
Tell you what we should do.
We don't have a lot of time,
so why don't you shirt it up,
and then we will get what we need,
and then we'll be
out of your hair.
Basically, we have a phone number
that we need to get an address from,
and I remember that you used to run
your own detective agency or something?
Yeah, well, sort of.
I mean, I do private security,
industrial intel, dealing with rogue governments,
black ops, that sort of thing. It's a grind.
There is your shirt.
No wonder you couldn't find it.
It's on her.
Phil, Claire, this is Natanya.
- She's Israeli. She doesn't
speak much English.
- Hello.
You two make sex with us?
Oh no, thank you.
- Thank you. No.
- Bye.
- See you.
I met her in Tel Aviv doing
some consulting for the Mossad.
- She is a sweet girl.
- She seems really sweet.
That was very nice of her
to ask us to have sex.
So! You wanna
give me that number?
wonder - merak etmek
without - olmadan
which - hangi
turnpike - paralı yol
those - bu
thank - teşekkür
sweet - tatlı
speak - konuşmak
something - bir şey
shirt - gömlek
seems - görünüyor
security - güvenlik
appreciate - anlamak
detective - dedektif
english - ingilizce
grind - eziyet
should - meli
definitely - Kesinlikle
doing - iş
above - yukarıdaki
dealing - muamele
sounds - sesleri
private - Özel
beyond - ötesinde
agency - ajans
there - Orada
consulting - danışmanlık
claire - claire
ladies - kadınlar
anyway - neyse
governments - hükümetler
patient - Hasta
alive - canlı
address - adres
lucky - şanslı
alone - yalnız
basically - temel olarak
talking - konuşma
black - siyah
about - hakkında
mossad - Mossad
thing - şey
awesome - müthiş
hanging - asılı
hello - merhaba
together - Birlikte
hoping - umut
industrial - sanayi
right - Sağ
wanna - istiyorum
intel - intel
kinds - çeşit
leave - ayrılmak
israeli - İsrailli
knowing - bilme
would - olur
least - en az
natanya - natanya
drives - sürücüler
number - numara
phone - telefon
place - yer
pleasure - zevk
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
rogue - düzenbaz
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