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Öğrenmeye başla
Wake up.
Wake up,
wake up, wake up.
Up ya wake, up ya wake,
up ya wake, up ya wake
This is
Mister Senor Love Daddy.
Your voice of choice.
The world's only 12-hour
strong man on the air,
Here on We-Love radio,
108 FM.
The last on your dial,
but first in your hearts,
and that's
the truth, Ruth.
Here l am.
Am l here?
Ya know it. lt ya know.
This is
Mister Senor Love Daddy
doing the nasty to ya ears,
ya ears to the nasty.
lse only play
da platters dat matter
the matters dey platter,
and that's
the truth, Ruth.
From the heart of Bed-Stuy, you're
listening to We-Love radio.
Doing the ying and the yang,
the hip and the hop,
the stupid fresh thing,
the flippity-flop.
l have today's forecast
for you.
The color for today
is black.
That's right, black.
So you can absorb some of these rays
and save that heat for winter.
Also today's temperature
is gonna rise up over 100 degrees.
So that's
a Jheri-curl alert.
That's right,
Jheri-curl alert.
winter - kış
voice - Ses
truth - hakikat
strong - Güçlü
senor - senor
temperature - sıcaklık
radio - radyo
right - Sağ
platters - plakaları
these - bunlar
listening - dinleme
degrees - derece
jheri - jheri
first - ilk
color - renk
mister - bay
absorb - emmek
thing - şey
alert - alarm
heart - kalp
choice - seçim
flippity - flippity
forecast - tahmin
daddy - baba
fresh - taze
today - bugün
stupid - aptal
doing - iş
matters - hususlar
black - siyah
matter - madde
gonna - olacak
hearts - kalpler
nasty - pis
platter - servis tabağı
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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