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Öğrenmeye başla
What are you guys doing?
- Get out of the way!
- Man!
That's for my books!
This is bad.
No, this is good.
At least we know we're not
the biggest dorks in school.
Maybe we should say something.
It's survival of the fittest.
I've got to say something.
I got to. I have to.
Say something? It's hilarious.
The kid fits in the locker. Come on.
This is the dumbest thing
I've ever done.
I mean, you don't
have to, but...
Harry Potter.
You need to keep your big mouth shut.
Yeah, that's what
I've been trying to tell him.
Run! Everybody run! It's not safe here!
Hey, check this out.
Matching shirt geeks.
Yo, Ron, these bitches
really wanna wear the same shirt.
Let's make them
wear the same shirt, huh?
You better keep that shit on,
'cause if I see you trying to take it off,
you're dead.
And you know what happens
if one of you dies? Both of you dies.
'Cause you're Siamese queers, bitches!
wanna - istiyorum
trying - çalışıyor
these - bunlar
survival - hayatta kalma
something - bir şey
siamese - siyam
should - meli
shirt - gömlek
school - okul
dorks - salaklar
thing - şey
happens - olur
locker - kilitli dolap
doing - iş
maybe - olabilir
check - kontrol
matching - eşleştirme
fittest - fittest
biggest - en büyük
least - en az
really - gerçekten mi
dumbest - aptalca
bitches - orospular
books - kitaplar
geeks - inekler
everybody - Herkes
harry - harry
hilarious - neşeli
mouth - ağız
queers - nonoşları
better - Daha iyi
potter - çömlekçi
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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