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Öğrenmeye başla
Dad! I'm in love,
I'm in love,
And I don't care
who knows it!
Buddy, not now, uh,
Can you please go back
to the--to the pit?
I'll come and visit you
in a little while, okay?
I didn't know you had
elves working here.
Oh...Boy, you're--you're
hilarious, my friend.
He doesn't, uh... Get back to the
story, please.
So, on the cover
above the title--
Does Santa know that
you left the workshop?
You know, we're all
laughing our heads off.
Did you have to borrow
a reindeer to get down here?
Buddy, go back
to the basement.
I get more action
in a week
Than you've had
your entire life.
I've got houses
in L.A., Paris, and vail,
Each one of them With
a 70-inch plasma screen.
So, I suggest you wipe That
stupid smile off your face
Before I come over there
and smack it off!
You feelin' strong,
my friend?!
Call me elf
one more time!
he's an angry elf.
look at you.
I wasn't ready for that.
Call me elf
one more time!
Call me elf!
You're an elf.
Miles, I'm sorry, he--
he thinks he's an elf.
Listen, miles...
He must be
a south pole elf.
You get the hell outta here.
Where do you
want me to go?
I don't care
where you go.
I don't care that you're an elf!
I don't care that you're nuts!
I don't care
that you're my son!
Get out of my life now!
working - çalışma
while - süre
where - nerede
visit - ziyaret etmek
stupid - aptal
story - öykü
smack - şaplak
south - güney
reindeer - ren geyiği
suggest - önermek
please - lütfen
elves - elfler
cover - kapak
houses - evler
smile - gülümseme
buddy - arkadaş
outta - outta
there - Orada
screen - ekran
borrow - ödünç almak
title - başlık
thinks - düşünüyor
little - küçük
above - yukarıdaki
action - aksiyon
miles - mil
strong - Güçlü
before - önce
entire - Tüm
basement - bodrum kat
plasma - plazma
angry - kızgın
santa - santa
laughing - gülme
sorry - afedersiniz
ready - hazır
friend - arkadaş
workshop - atölye
heads - kafalar
listen - dinlemek
hilarious - neşeli
knows - bilir
paris - Paris
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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