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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Good afternoon, everyone.
We'd like to start off with a preliminary
discussion of pricing.
Let's do it. Where are we at?
At this point we're looking
at a range of 32 to 34 a share.
At 7.2 million a share
that gives us a valuation of 868 million.
Hang on just a minute.
We have to get a billion-dollar valuation.
We have looked
at the comparables, Ed.
You said 34 to 36 in your pitch.
You can't leave tens of millions
of dollars on the table.
We can get at least 35.
This is a balancing act.
Raising money for your company...
while still promising our investors
a deal for coming on board...
Look, you begged me for this IPO.
Do you want me to
call Channing Trust?
I don't actually remember begging.
Does anybody else?
No. So, what you want
to avoid here, Ed, is a down...
Because we know what happened
with your last IPO.
I don't think that's relevant here.
I believe our goal is to find
the right number for all of us.
- The number's 35.
- Possibly.
But you can think of it like a...
Like a party.
We need to encourage people
to show up to the party.
It could be the best party in the world.
- But if nobody shows up...
- A party?
- I don't really think...
- No, no, hang on.
I get this.
A party.
Go on.
With a 32 to 34 range,
we'll get people in the door.
But if the party's good enough...
People will line up around the block.
world - Dünya
while - süre
where - nerede
valuation - değerleme
table - tablo
still - yine
shows - gösterileri
remember - hatırlamak
company - Şirket
channing - Channing
share - pay
relevant - uygun
anybody - kimse
preliminary - ön hazırlık
board - yazı tahtası
start - başlama
dollars - dolar
could - could
people - insanlar
billion - milyar
range - menzil
around - etrafında
discussion - tartışma
point - puan
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
comparables - emsalleri
actually - aslında
balancing - dengeleme
million - milyon
right - Sağ
avoid - önlemek
coming - gelecek
because - Çünkü
leave - ayrılmak
gives - verir
begged - yalvardım
enough - yeterli
investors - yatırımcılar
really - gerçekten mi
everyone - Herkes
number - numara
pitch - zift
begging - dilenme
happened - olmuş
nobody - kimse
least - en az
trust - güven
looked - baktı
looking - seyir
minute - dakika
encourage - teşvik etmek
dollar - dolar
money - para
millions - milyonlarca
party - parti
believe - inanmak
possibly - belki
pricing - fiyatlandırma
promising - umut verici
block - blok
raising - yükselen
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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