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Öğrenmeye başla
- Fenton, wake up.
- Dad?
- Get up. I've got something to tell you.
- What's wrong?
It's okay.
Adam, wake up and listen.
I need you both to listen to me
very carefully.
Something's happened.
He said he'd had a vision that night.
A vision from God.
An angel came to him
and told him the truth of this world...
and revealed God's special purpose
for our family.
The end of the world is coming.
It's near.
The angel showed me.
There are demons among us.
The devil has released them
for the final battle.
It's being fought right now.
But nobody knows it except us
and others like us.
I'm scared, Dad.
There's nothing to be afraid of, tiger.
We've been chosen by God.
He will protect us.
He's given us special jobs to do.
We don't fear these demons.
We destroy them.
We pick them up one by one
and we pitch them out of this world.
That's God's purpose for us.
- The angel called us God's hands.
- So we're like superheroes?
That's right.
We're a family of superheroes
that are gonna help save the world.
But, Dad, that doesn't make any sense.
I know it sounds that way, son,
but it's the truth.
So, what are our superpowers?
We can see the demons
while other people can't.
And the angel told me...
that God would be sending us
three weapons to destroy them with.
Magical weapons?
I imagine so.
When do we get them?
I don't know. The angel just said soon.
That's all I was told,
except that...
we're not supposed to tell anybody
about any of this.
Absolutely no one.
If we do, we put them and ourselves
in danger.
Fenton... don't
worry, it's okay.
It's a lot to understand.
I wanted to wait to
tell you until once
I had the chance to
figure it out myself
...but the angel said I had to do it now.
I didn't know what to say or how to feel.
Do you understand what I told you?
The Judgment Day's here.
It was too messed up to understand
or even acknowledge.
Soon we'll all be in heaven.
You, me, Adam, with Mommy.
I didn't realize it at that moment,
at least not consciously--
She's waiting to see us in heaven.
but my happy and mostly secure world
had just been flipped over...
...and there were dark things under there.
- Judgment Day is here.
- Very dark things.
We've been chosen by God.
And my little boy's mind
just couldn't take it.
worry - endişelenmek
until - a kadar
understand - anlama
wanted - aranan
tiger - kaplan
while - süre
three - üç
these - bunlar
there - Orada
supposed - sözde
truth - hakikat
special - özel
something - bir şey
world - Dünya
sense - duyu
secure - güvenli
vision - vizyon
scared - korkmuş
right - Sağ
revealed - ortaya
waiting - bekleme
released - yayınlandı
realize - gerçekleştirmek
purpose - amaç
things - eşyalar
people - insanlar
under - altında
ourselves - Kendimizi
called - denilen
devil - şeytan
weapons - silahlar
figure - şekil
protect - korumak
happy - mutlu
danger - Tehlike
pitch - zift
consciously - bilinçli olarak
chosen - seçilmiş
demons - iblisler
chance - şans
among - arasında
destroy - yıkmak
carefully - dikkatlice
sending - gönderme
final - nihai
messed - haberci
afraid - korkmuş
absolutely - kesinlikle
superpowers - süper güçlerin
acknowledge - kabul
except - dışında
angel - melek
knows - bilir
fenton - fenton
other - diğer
about - hakkında
magical - büyülü
would - olur
least - en az
nobody - kimse
mommy - anne
superheroes - süper kahramanlar
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
being - olmak
battle - savaş
anybody - kimse
wrong - Yanlış
flipped - çevrilmiş
showed - gösterdi
hands - eller
fought - kavga etti
night - gece
given - verilmiş
listen - dinlemek
happened - olmuş
imagine - hayal etmek
judgment - yargı
gonna - olacak
mostly - çoğunlukla
sounds - sesleri
others - diğerleri
family - Aile
heaven - cennet
little - küçük
moment - an
coming - gelecek
myself - kendim
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