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You are to refer to
her as Your Highness.
Or if you speak French,
you can call her Votre Altesse.
Just Altesse is also acceptable,
but Highness is not. Nor is Princess.
Are you coming or not, Mr Hitchcock?
Remember to nod your head when you
first make her presence, but do not bow.
She's not the Queen of England.
Oh! You've grown so big!
This is for you. First prize of
the Monaco Young Poets' society.
Ma'am, you can't bend down.
This is the part where I say, "Cut!"
So who's the leading man?
I don't know. Cubby Broccoli just made
a spy movie with some Scottish fellow
he's raving about.
We go into production in spring.
And Universal will
pay you one million dollars.
Well, it's not about
the money, Hitch.
It's going to be the role
of a lifetime, Gracie.
Do I look that unhappy?
You look tired.
Where's Rainier?
We rarely see each other.
He works a lot.
We've prepared a room at the
palace for you. You'll stay, won't you?
- I have to get back to LA.
- Oh, please!
Sorry, I left Evan
alone with Cary Grant.
And goodness knows what
they've done to my Birds script.
How is Cary?
Cary's great.
But his wife still sticks pins
in your effigy every night.
You're still an artist, Gracie.
Don't forget it.
Hitch! I'm fine.
Doesn't get better than this.
young - genç
where - nerede
votre - votre
universal - evrensel
unhappy - mutsuz
tired - yorgun
still - yine
speak - konuşmak
script - senaryo
remember - hatırlamak
refer - başvurmak
grant - hibe
first - ilk
lifetime - ömür
fellow - adam
goodness - iyilik
highness - yükseklik
alone - yalnız
england - i̇ngiltere
dollars - dolar
french - fransızca
monaco - monako
rainier - rainier
better - Daha iyi
effigy - büst
altesse - altesse
gracie - gracie
acceptable - kabul edilebilir
great - harika
scottish - İskoçyalı
forget - unutmak
artist - sanatçı
sorry - afedersiniz
presence - varlık
birds - kuşlar
going - gidiş
every - proszę uważać
coming - gelecek
hitch - aksama
cubby - odacık
grown - yetişkin
broccoli - brokoli
hitchcock - Hitchcock
leading - önemli
million - milyon
princess - prenses
money - para
knows - bilir
production - üretim
movie - film
spring - bahar
society - toplum
night - gece
about - hakkında
other - diğer
works - eserleri
palace - saray
please - lütfen
prepared - hazırlanmış
prize - ödül
raving - çılgın
queen - Kraliçe
sticks - çubukları
rarely - Nadiren
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