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Öğrenmeye başla
On the ground
there was a footprint.
A big footprint.
So, I was hooked
from that moment on.
I started spending all the time I could spare
searching for the beast.
Then I spent time
I couldn't spare.
That's how I lost my job
and my friends.
It's so sad.
Well, I didn't tell it so you could cry
in your sprouts or...
whatever that is, darling.
I'm telling it so that your father won't make
the same mistake.
I appreciate what you're saying,
Dr. Wrightwood, but...
there's a big difference
between your story and mine.
Not as big as you think.
Maybe even bigger.
No, no, no.
You're kidding yourself.
I remember what you told me
when you came into my shop.
Bigfoot can come live with us.
We'll accept the responsibility.
Can you imagine what a Bigfoot would do
to your home?
Yeah, well, I can.
You're good people.
I'm gonna say this once.
I'm gonna say it simple
and I hope to God
for your sakes you all listen.
There are no
abominable snowmen.
There are no Sasquatches.
There are no Bigfeet!
Am I missing something?
Oh, Lord! Lord God!
Dr. Wrightwood,
say hello to Harry.
Isn't he something?
Oh, yes, he's so smart, too.
I mean, George has taught him how to sit.
To sit?
We haven't quite
perfected it yet.
- He lives here with you?
- Temporarily.
yourself - kendin
wrightwood - wrightwood
would - olur
whatever - her neyse
there - Orada
temporarily - geçici
story - öykü
telling - söylüyorum
kidding - dalga geçmek
think - düşünmek
imagine - hayal etmek
hello - merhaba
ground - Zemin
something - bir şey
listen - dinlemek
friends - arkadaşlar
appreciate - anlamak
harry - harry
abominable - iğrenç
george - George
bigger - daha büyük
darling - sevgilim
could - could
lives - hayatları
saying - söz
maybe - olabilir
mistake - hata
father - baba
missing - Eksik
moment - an
smart - akıllı
spare - yedek
gonna - olacak
accept - kabul etmek
perfected - mükemmelleştirilmiş
taught - öğretilen
footprint - ayak izi
quite - oldukça
remember - hatırlamak
beast - canavar
sasquatches - Sasquatches
responsibility - sorumluluk
sakes - aşkına
bigfeet - büyük ayaklar
between - arasında
searching - arama
bigfoot - Büyük ayaklar
simple - Basit
snowmen - kardan
hooked - bağlanmış
spending - harcama
difference - fark
spent - harcanmış
people - insanlar
started - başladı
sprouts - lahanası
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