Film ve kitaplardan gerçek İngilizce'yi öğrenin.
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Öğrenmeye başla
Of course, the real secret
of Mrs. Simpson's appeal
to the Duke of Windsor...
was that she could make a toothpick
feel like a cigar.
I've been so immersed
in preparing to play Marion,
I'd almost forgotten
how to laugh.
- Oh, really?
- Yes.
Well, now you must try
the banana shortcake.
Oh, no, nothing for me, thank you.
I'm watching my figure.
Yes, you're not the only one.
We're fine, thank you.
George, bring her
the banana shortcake.
In fact, make that
two large portions.
Thank you.
Now, tell me, my dear,
how else have you prepared
for the part of Marion Crane?
Well, I've written
an entire history for her...
which seems a little silly, I know,
but it... it really does help.
- It doesn't sound silly at all.
- No?
Why don't you tell us
one of her deepest secrets?
Well, she leads a double life.
At the Lowery office,
she wears Tweed perfume.
But when she's with Sam...
she recklessly breaks out
her most expensive bottle.
My Sin, by Lanvin.
- My Sin?
- Yes.
Good Lord.
Uh... I do have
a concern or two.
I'm an actress, of course,
but I'm first
a wife and a mother.
And I'm just
curious to know...
how are you going to shoot
this shower scene?
Yes, you and the
Shurlock Office.
It's only that, well, from here up,
I'm not exactly boyish, so...
Allow me to set your mind at rest,
my dear.
I will be shooting short bits of film
from various angles.
Cut together, the montage will only
suggest nudity, suggest violence.
Nothing will
actually be shown.
But of course,
having you in the shower...
will make it all that more, well...
Will you excuse me?
which - hangi
wears - giyer
violence - şiddet
tweed - tüvit
together - Birlikte
titillating - titillating
thank - teşekkür
suggest - önermek
sound - ses
shurlock - shurlock
shortcake - kurabiye
short - kısa
shoot - ateş etme
shown - gösterilen
seems - görünüyor
secrets - sırlar
secret - gizli
recklessly - dikkatsizce
excuse - bahane
montage - montaj
deepest - en derin
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
curious - meraklı
toothpick - kürdan
perfume - parfüm
cigar - puro
could - could
lowery - lowery
crane - vinç
first - ilk
having - sahip olan
concern - ilgilendirmek
little - küçük
bring - getirmek
exactly - kesinlikle
preparing - hazırlamak
breaks - sonları
bottle - şişe
shooting - çekim
double - Çift
entire - Tüm
almost - neredeyse
mother - anne
actress - aktris
appeal - temyiz
banana - muz
immersed - dalmış
course - kurs
allow - izin vermek
actually - aslında
expensive - pahalı
various - Çeşitli
scene - faliyet alani, sahne
figure - şekil
windsor - Windsor
boyish - çocuksu
office - ofis
really - gerçekten mi
george - George
watching - seyretme
leads - potansiyel müşteriler
going - gidiş
forgotten - unutulmuş
history - tarih
silly - saçma
lanvin - lanvin
written - yazılı
large - geniş
angles - açılar
laugh - gülmek
marion - marion
shower - duş
nudity - çıplaklık
portions - bölümleri
prepared - hazırlanmış
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