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Öğrenmeye başla
Horton was faithful and stalwart and kind.
I got you.
He was a brave hero.
I'll protect you.
At least in his mind.
We must become invisible.
Travel silently.
For there're forces.
They would seek to destroy us.
So, you think you could stick upon me, Huh!
- It is clear that you are no match for my technique.
- Hey!
I see you have mastered the way of the
snapping branch. Watch me tumble!
Horton! Let's go!
You have asshole.
Mother Kangaroo has monkeys.
I wll make monkeys of these monkeys.
It is their destiny, Huh-Uh!
- Oh
- Horton is the Greatest Hero of them all, Ha!
Horton! Horton! Go!
Mount Nool is that way!
To the top of Mount Nool! As
fast as lightning! Away, I go.
Oh. Sorry, little fellow.
You'll be fine. Just
think healing thoughts.
- Horton! - Horton! Horton!
- Look! Look! Look!
We've all got our own clovers
with worlds on them! Yeah!
- Oh!
- In my worlds everyone's pony
and they all eat rainbows
and poop butterflies
That's beautiful, Katie.
In a really weired way.
katie - katie
protect - korumak
greatest - en büyük
kangaroo - kanguru
sorry - afedersiniz
their - onların
forces - güçler
beautiful - güzel
destroy - yıkmak
become - olmak
fellow - adam
healing - şifa
destiny - kader
silently - sessizce
branch - şube
asshole - pislik
would - olur
least - en az
brave - cesur
faithful - sadık
clear - açık
mother - anne
horton - horton
snapping - yaslama
could - could
little - küçük
technique - teknik
butterflies - kelebekler
weired - weired
clovers - yonca
invisible - görünmez
really - gerçekten mi
mastered - hakim
rainbows - gökkuşakları
match - maç
monkeys - maymunlar
stalwart - korkusuz
lightning - şimşek
stick - çubuk
these - bunlar
think - düşünmek
watch - izlemek
mount - dağ
thoughts - düşünceler
travel - seyahat
tumble - takla
worlds - dünyalar
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