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Öğrenmeye başla
I wish I'd held on to a little piece
of that thing because...
if the buzz is any indicated, that movie's
gonna make some huge bank.
What buzz?
The internet buzz.
What the fuck is the internet?
The internet is a communications
tool used the world over...
where people can come together
to bitch about movies...
and share pornography.
Here's what we are looking for a
Movie Poop Shoot-dot-com.
Poop shoot, yeah.
This is a site populated
by militant movie buffs.
Sad, pathetic little bastards living
in their parents' basement...
downloading scripts and what
they think is inside information...
about movies and actors
they claim to despise yet...
can't stop discussing.
Okay, this is about Bluntman & Chronic.
"Inside sources tell me Miramax is
starting production this Friday..."
"on their adaptation of underground
comic fav Bluntman & Chronic."
Friday? Shit.
Does it say who's fucking playing us
in the movie?
No, but it's Miramax,
so I'm sure
it'll be Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.
You know, they put them
in a bunch of movies.
Those kids from "Good Will Hunting".
You mean that fucking movie
with Mork from Ork in it?
Yeah, I wasn't a big fan either.
But Affleck was the bomb in "Phantoms".
Word, bitch.
"Phantoms" like a motherfucker!
So here we go.
Now, this is the shoot back section.
This is where people who read the
news get to chime in with their two cents.
opining on what he thinks about
Bluntman & Chronic.
He says...
"Bluntman & Chronic and their stupid
alter egos Jay & Silent Bob...
"only work in small doses, if at all."
"They don't deserve their own movie."
He's got a point.
Fuck him. What's the next one say?
This is entitled
"Fuck Them Up Their Stupid Asses".
"Bluntman & Chronic is the
worst comic I ever read."
"Jay & Silent Bob
are stupid characters."
"A couple of stoners who spout
dumb ass catch phrases..."
"like a third rate Cheech & Chong,
or Bill & Ted."
"Fuck Jay & Silent Bob!
Fuck them up their stupid asses!"
Who the fuck said that shit?
"Jay & Silent Bob are one-note jokes
that only stoners laugh at."
"They are fucking clown shoes."
"If they were real I'd beat the shit
out of them for being so stupid."
"I will be boycotting this movie.
Who is with me?"
Then there's like fifty more posts
of people...
I'm gonna kill all these fucks.
worst - en kötü
where - nerede
underground - yeraltı
these - bunlar
stupid - aptal
sources - kaynaklar
stoners - stoners
shoot - ateş etme
section - Bölüm
production - üretim
together - Birlikte
populated - nüfuslu
people - insanlar
pathetic - acıklı
playing - oynama
opining - opining
silent - Sessiz
movies - filmler
world - Dünya
movie - film
motherfucker - çocuğu
miramax - miramax
militant - militan
looking - seyir
living - yaşam
little - küçük
alter - değiştirmek
catch - yakalamak
bunch - demet
phrases - ifadeler
downloading - indirme
communications - iletişim
affleck - affleck'ait
boycotting - boykot
comic - komik
point - puan
buffs - meraklıları
bluntman - patavatsız
internet - Internet
cents - cent
adaptation - adaptasyon
characters - karakterler
chong - chong
scripts - senaryo
actors - aktörler
indicated - belirtilen
bastards - piçler
doses - dozlar
information - bilgi
about - hakkında
chime - melodi
thing - şey
spout - oluk ağzı
being - olmak
posts - mesajları
pornography - pornografi
bitch - orospu
asses - eşekler
basement - bodrum kat
phantoms - hayaletler
because - Çünkü
think - düşünmek
claim - i̇ddia
thinks - düşünüyor
shoes - ayakkabı
entitled - adlı
third - Üçüncü
cheech - Cheech
chronic - kronik
discussing - tartışılması
damon - damon
deserve - hak etmek
despise - küçümsemek
starting - Başlangıç
piece - parça
laugh - gülmek
inside - içeride
either - ya
share - pay
fifty - elli
clown - palyaço
friday - Cuma
fucking - kahrolası
small - küçük
fucks - pislikler
couple - çift
gonna - olacak
those - bu
their - onların
hunting - avcılık
jokes - espriler
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