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Öğrenmeye başla
-Okay, Miss O'Neal. Next!
-So, when are you leaving?
You know all those people over
at the Vineyard,
they are so loaded,
even their servants are rich.
I can't believe little Jason
is getting married this weekend,
and I'm not gonna be there.
Well, of course
you're not gonna be there.
You wearing a ankle bracelet
and it's not for fashion. Next!
What's the girl like?
Miss O'Neal, go on, now.
I gotta go to work. Next!
Come on up here, baby.
Hurry up. I ain't got all day.
-One minute, baby.
-Come on, girl, don't...
-Shonda! -Pam, I'm busy. You see
this long line we have out here?
Excuse us, excuse us.
-What's the problem, Pam?
-I have tried to be nice to this girl,
but you know by now she should've come
over here to Brooklyn to meet me.
You will not believe it.
She sent me a text message.
A text message!
Talking 'bout she want me
to bring some baby pictures of Jason
so she can put 'em
in the wedding program.
She treating me like I'm her secretary,
not the mother-in-law to be!
She got Jason's nose all open, talking
about she gonna take him to China.
China! My Jason don't like
nothing sweet and sour.
This girl need to
have a little more respect for me!
Why are your
panties all in a wad?
Didn't you tell me that Jason hadn't
met her family, either?
Heifer, whose side you on?
All this stuff going on,
her text messaging me
when she can pick up a telephone
and call me like I'm a human being.
I don't play this. Strike one.
Don't forget about
your anger management classes, Pam.
Calm down.
Honey, you gonna have
to go get back in line.
I'm going to lunch.
wedding - Düğün
tried - denenmiş
treating - tedavi
there - Orada
those - bu
their - onların
telephone - telefon
honey - bal
excuse - bahane
program - program
weekend - hafta sonu
gotta - lazım
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
getting - alma
leaving - ayrılma
forget - unutmak
married - evli
wearing - giyme
respect - saygı
brooklyn - brooklyn
fashion - moda
strike - vuruş
either - ya
heifer - düve
ankle - ayak bileği
bracelet - bilezik
china - çin
believe - inanmak
classes - sınıflar
vineyard - üzüm bağı
human - insan
hurry - acele
bring - getirmek
family - Aile
minute - dakika
little - küçük
sweet - tatlı
course - kurs
people - insanlar
loaded - yüklü
whose - kimin
management - yönetim
being - olmak
lunch - öğle yemeği
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
message - mesaj
messaging - mesajlaşma
anger - öfke
problem - Sorun
mother - anne
panties - külot
pictures - resimler
secretary - sekreter
jason - jason
servants - hizmetçiler
stuff - şey
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