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Öğrenmeye başla
- Allison?
- Yeah.
- Jack and I need to see you in his office.
- Okay.
Thanks for coming in, Allison.
Well, we wanted
to talk to you today
because we had a
little debate
on the conference call with
New York about you.
You... About me?
You were talking about me?
We were wondering
aloud to one another
whether or not you would
be good for on camera.
What'd you decide?
They... They decided
that they like you,
and they would like
to put you on camera.
- Really?
- I know. I was so surprised, too.
Oh, my God. This is the best news ever.
Thank you so much.
- This is great!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- I'll take that smile as a ''Yes, I'll do it.''
Absolutely. I'm so excited!
It's a lot of work. Can't wait
to see what happens.
It's gonna be tough.
Tough job.
About the work,
most immediately,
there's gonna be some things that you're
gonna be able to get
that other people
in the office don't get.
One of them, gym membership.
You want me to lose weight?
No, I don't
want you to lose weight.
No. We can't legally
ask you to do that.
We didn't say lose weight.
I might say tighten.
- Tight.
- A little tighter?
Just like toned and smaller.
Don't make everything smaller.
I don't want to generalize that way.
We don't want you to lose weight.
We just want you to be healthy.
- Okay.
- You know, by eating less.
We would just like it if you go home
and step on a scale
and write down how much you weigh
and subtract it by, like, 20.
- Twenty.
- And then weigh that much.
Just remember,
you've got it here, you've got it here
and everybody's gonna
see you.
write - yazmak
would - olur
wondering - merak ediyor
whether - olup olmadığını
weight - ağırlık
weigh - tartmak
wanted - aranan
twenty - yirmi
great - harika
gonna - olacak
generalize - genellemek
excited - heyecanlı
decide - karar ver
smile - gülümseme
surprised - şaşırmış
decided - karar
absolutely - kesinlikle
debate - tartışma
scale - ölçek
immediately - hemen
camera - kamera
happens - olur
aloud - yüksek sesle
thanks - teşekkürler
toned - tonlu
everything - her şey
because - Çünkü
coming - gelecek
thank - teşekkür
eating - yemek yiyor
conference - Konferans
healthy - Sağlıklı
congratulations - tebrik ederiz
legally - yasal olarak
little - küçük
allison - allison
membership - üyelik
might - belki
another - bir diğeri
office - ofis
subtract - çıkarmak
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
tight - sıkı
about - hakkında
other - diğer
talking - konuşma
people - insanlar
things - eşyalar
smaller - Daha küçük
tighten - sıkmak
tighter - sıkı
today - bugün
tough - sert
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