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Öğrenmeye başla
Oh, dear countess, pray for me...
...for I have sinned against meself
and me brother Rodrigo.
You've got to say "sinned" as if you've really sinned.
Sinned. Sinned.
You arrive seeking the Duke of Lankershire.
Hark ye. Who goes there?
Oh, I forgot the cymbals.
Why it's-- It's Rodrigo!
- Rodrigo. - I want to be Lady Violet.
I'm exhaustified of being the boy.
The play is the thing, Amy.
You're too little to be Lady Violet.
Here, be the Countess de Montanescu.
You don't have any lines.
Besides, who would be our Rodrigo?
I propose the admission...
of a new member to our theatrical society.
Theodore Laurence. We'll put it to a vote.
He'll laugh at our acting, and poke fun at us later.
He'll think it's only a game.
No, he won't. Upon my word as a gentleman.
When it's only ladies,
we don't guard our conduct in the same way.
We bare our souls and tell the most appalling secrets.
He would find us improper.
Oh, Teddy would do nothing of the sort.
Oh, please. Let's try him.
Shall we?
- Jo! - Jo, you traitor!
Fellow artists, may I present myself... an actor, a musician...
and a loyal and very humble servant of the club.
We'll be the judge of that.
In token of my gratitude,
and as a means of promoting...
...communication between adjoining nations...
...shouting from windows being forbidden,
I shall provide... a post office in our hedge... further encourage the baring of our souls...
...and the telling of our most appalling secrets.
I do pledge...
...never to reveal what I receive in confidence here.
Well, then... take your place, Rodrigo.
Sir Rodrigo.
And so Laurie was admitted as an equal into our society...
...and we March girls could enjoy the daily novelty...
...of having a real brother of our very own.
would - olur
windows - pencereler
traitor - hain
there - Orada
telling - söylüyorum
sinned - günah işledi
shall - -acak
servant - hizmetçi
rodrigo - rodrigo
reveal - ortaya çıkartmak
souls - ruhlar
propose - teklif etmek, önermek
promoting - teşvik
society - toplum
present - Mevcut
theatrical - dramatik
pledge - rehin
place - yer
office - ofis
novelty - yenilik
shouting - haykırış
never - asla
nations - milletler
myself - kendim
musician - müzisyen
montanescu - montanescu
march - mart
loyal - sadık
daily - günlük
token - jeton
cymbals - ziller
could - could
seeking - arayan
little - küçük
teddy - oyuncak
encourage - teşvik etmek
baring - barikat
brother - erkek kardeş
gentlemen - beyler
confidence - güven
member - üye
laugh - gülmek
admission - kabul
equal - eşit
besides - dışında
provide - sağlamak
humble - Mütevazi
conduct - davranış
communication - iletişim
adjoining - bitişik
please - lütfen
between - arasında
admitted - kabul edilmiş
actor - aktör
enjoy - keyfini çıkarın
lines - hatlar
really - gerçekten mi
means - anlamına geliyor
artists - sanatçılar
think - düşünmek
against - karşısında
appalling - korkunç
exhaustified - bitkin
violet - menekşe
acting - oyunculuk
countess - kontes
theodore - Theodore
fellow - adam
forbidden - yasak
meself - kendim de
arrive - varmak
having - sahip olan
forgot - unuttum
further - ayrıca
gentleman - beyefendi
gratitude - şükran
secrets - sırlar
ladies - kadınlar
guard - bekçi
hedge - çit
improper - uygunsuz
receive - teslim almak
judge - hakim
girls - kızlar
laurence - laurence
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
being - olmak
lankershire - lankershire
later - sonra
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