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Öğrenmeye başla
I want out.
I'm done. I want out.
- It's been a very difficult day for everyone.
- I need you to release my options,
if they're worth anything after today.
I want my bonus. I'm out.
You'll get your bonus, your options,
and keep your current base.
But I need you to stay with me
for the next 24 months, okay?
Oh, come on, Sam.
Put a smile on your face.
You did some good today.
You said that yourself.
Do you know, I'm starting to feel a little better about this whole thing.
You're one of the luckiest guys
in the world, Sam.
Could have been digging
ditches all these years.
That's true.
And if I had, at least there'd be
some holes in the ground to show for it.
I just don't know
how we fucked this up quite so much.
When did you start feeling
so sorry for yourself?
It's unbearable. What?
So you think we might have put
a few people out of business today.
That's all for naught.
But you've been doing that every day
for almost 40 years, Sam.
And if this is all for naught, then so is everything out there.
It's just money.
It's made up,
pieces of paper with pictures on it
so we don't have to kill each other
just to get something to eat.
It's not wrong.
And it's certainly no different today
than it's ever been.
1637, 1797,
1819, 37, 57, 84,
1901, 07,
29, 1937, 1974,
1987, Jesus.
Didn't that fucker fuck me up good.
92, 97, 2000,
and whatever we want to call this.
It's all just the same thing, over and over.
We can't help ourselves.
And you and I can't control it or..
stop it or even slow it.
Or even ever so slightly alter it.
We just react.
And we make a lot of money
if we get it right.
And we get left by the side of the road
if we get it wrong.
And there have always been
and there always will be
the same percentage of winners and losers,
happy fucks and sad sacks,
fat cats and starving dogs in this world.
There may be more of us today
than there's ever been, but...
the percentages,
they stay exactly the same.
I'll do it, John,
but not because of your little speech.
But because I need the money.
Hard to believe after all these years,
but I... I need the money.
years - Yıl
whatever - her neyse
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
these - bunlar
there - Orada
start - başlama
speech - konuşma
unbearable - dayanılmaz
sorry - afedersiniz
starting - Başlangıç
something - bir şey
smile - gülümseme
winners - Kazananlar
slightly - hafifçe
sacks - çuval
release - serbest bırakmak
quite - oldukça
pieces - parçalar
pictures - resimler
world - Dünya
percentages - yüzdeler
ditches - hendek
difficult - zor
after - sonra
fucks - pislikler
yourself - kendin
business - iş
whole - bütün
naught - sıfır
alter - değiştirmek
percentage - yüzde
could - could
little - küçük
starving - çok aç
people - insanlar
always - Her zaman
worth - değer
doing - iş
wrong - Yanlış
jesus - isa
anything - her şey
money - para
different - farklı
digging - kazma
paper - kâğıt
today - bugün
react - tepki
better - Daha iyi
everyone - Herkes
about - hakkında
other - diğer
fucker - pezevenk
ourselves - Kendimizi
every - proszę uważać
because - Çünkü
everything - her şey
holes - delikler
right - Sağ
certainly - kesinlikle
feeling - duygu
control - kontrol
fucked - becerdin
ground - Zemin
bonus - bonus
happy - mutlu
exactly - kesinlikle
least - en az
losers - Kaybedenler
believe - inanmak
luckiest - şanslı
current - şimdiki
options - seçenekleri
almost - neredeyse
might - belki
months - ay
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