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Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
- Well, congratulations.
- Excuse me?
You're a guaranteed winner of one
of three fabulous prizes.
- Have you won anything major before?
- No, never.
- Well, you have now.
- Oh, my God.
- Are you kidding?
- No, it's confirmed.
Are you sure?
- Okay, what did I win?
- Either the Chevy Blazer, the Paris...
Do you have a water
filtration system in your house?
- Do you read the papers or watch TV?
- Oh, sometimes, yeah.
Well, then you've probably
seen our advertisements.
The government is gonna
make you pay a tax on the prize.
But if you buy the Waterson 2000
water filtration system...
the prize gets recorded as a sales
expense, and you don't pay any tax.
- Good deal, huh?
- Yeah.
You're guaranteed one
of those three prizes.
I'm gonna have a
courier come to your house.
You're gonna
give him a check.
He's gonna come to me...
and then we'll decide
which one of those prizes you get.
Do you see how that works?
- How much do I pay?
- Three hundred ninety-eight dollars even.
- You'd pay twice that in stores.
- I need to speak to my...
Irene, my supervisor
just stepped into my office,
and he would
love to talk to you.
Can you hold just a sec? Thanks, Irene.
- Good morning.
- Who says so?
Irene Fisk. She wants to talk
to her husband first.
John Goodhew, regional vice president.
Which prize are you hoping for?
- Paris.
- Well, that would be my choice too.
We've never been.
My associate tells me
you have five grandkids?
Now I understand you'd like to speak
to your husband first about this.
The thing is, Irene, my secretary
is having a baby this afternoon.
Everyone here at the office is about
to bug out and head over the hospital.
That's wonderful.
Now, let me confirm your address
so I can get it to our courier service.
wonderful - olağanüstü
waterson - waterson
watch - izlemek
understand - anlama
twice - iki defa
thing - şey
thanks - teşekkürler
tells - anlatır
supervisor - Gözetmen
works - eserleri
service - hizmet
stepped - basamaklı
regional - bölgesel
recorded - kaydedilmiş
probably - muhtemelen
prizes - ödülleri
winner - kazanan
prize - ödül
everyone - Herkes
dollars - dolar
eight - sekiz
office - ofis
excuse - bahane
irene - irene
decide - karar ver
would - olur
confirm - Onaylamak
which - hangi
wants - istiyor
afternoon - öğleden sonra
check - kontrol
either - ya
address - adres
water - su
stores - depolar
congratulations - tebrik ederiz
ninety - doksan
choice - seçim
advertisements - reklamlar
speak - konuşmak
grandkids - torun
morning - sabah
expense - gider
chevy - sıkıntı vermek
associate - ortak
about - hakkında
anything - her şey
blazer - blazer ceket
guaranteed - garantili
major - majör
before - önce
fabulous - harika
three - üç
those - bu
filtration - süzme
sales - satış
courier - kurye
first - ilk
having - sahip olan
gonna - olacak
president - devlet başkanı
government - hükümet
hoping - umut
goodhew - goodhew
hospital - hastane
confirmed - onaylı
husband - koca
house - ev
hundred - yüz
secretary - sekreter
kidding - dalga geçmek
never - asla
papers - kâğıtlar
system - sistem
sometimes - ara sıra
paris - Paris
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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