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Öğrenmeye başla
All right,
who's she working for?
She claims to be
working alone.
A random civilian
simply waltzes in
off the high street.
I don't think so.
Neuralyze her.
No, no, no. Don't.
I know what that thing is.
Hang on. Hang on.
She had
an experience.
It erased my parents' memories,
but it didn't take mine.
So my whole life,
everyone's called me crazy.
They said that
I needed therapy,
which, okay,
admittedly, I did,
but not for this.
Did she really hack
into the Hubble Telescope
to look at Andromeda II,
and we didn't catch her?
In the old days,
we'd have hired her.
It took me 20 years to find you,
plus or minus.
How many people
can say that?
I found you.
So you found us.
You proved you're not crazy.
You win the I'm Not Crazy
badge. Now what?
- I want in.
- We don't hire. We recruit.
Then I'd like
to be recruited.
I'm going to need more.
But would you mind giving me
one good reason?
Because I'm smart.
I'm motivated.
I look good in black.
I'm... - Boring me!
Because I have absolutely
no life whatsoever.
I have nothing.
I have no dog, no cat,
definitely no chill.
I have nothing that I couldn't
happily walk away from,
which makes me
perfect for this job.
Well, you're certainly
suitably tragic.
No love?
No relationships?
They just distract you from
what's important.
Hm, really?
And what's important?
The truth
of the universe.
I wanna know everything.
I wanna know
how it all works.
You really think
a black suit
is going to solve
all your problems?
Mmm... No,
but it looks damn good on you.
That's true.
From this moment,
you will conform to the
identity we give you.
You will dress only
in MIB Special Services attire.
You have been trained
in the use
of MIB-sanctioned technology,
vehicles and weaponry.
You will not
stand out in any way.
You are no longer
part of the system.
You do not exist.
Check, please.
years - Yıl
would - olur
weaponry - silâhlar
vehicles - araçlar
universe - evren
tragic - trajik
telescope - teleskop
technology - teknoloji
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
suitably - uygun şekilde
street - sokak
stand - durmak
truth - hakikat
special - özel
sanctioned - yaptırıma
trained - eğitilmiş
relationships - ilişkiler
waltzes - vals
recruited - işe
recruit - acemi
reason - neden
really - gerçekten mi
wanna - istiyorum
proved - kanıtlanmış
definitely - Kesinlikle
absolutely - kesinlikle
dress - elbise
crazy - çılgın
boring - sıkıcı
system - sistem
conform - uymak
hired - kiralanmış
smart - akıllı
civilian - sivil
right - Sağ
certainly - kesinlikle
chill - soğuk
services - hizmetler
important - önemli
working - çalışma
looks - görünüyor
andromeda - andromeda
alone - yalnız
claims - iddialar
admittedly - hiç kuşkusuz
works - eserleri
please - lütfen
erased - sildim
motivated - motive
distract - dikkatini dağıtmak
experience - deneyim
catch - yakalamak
random - rasgele
people - insanlar
badge - rozet
check - kontrol
black - siyah
going - gidiş
hubble - hubble
because - Çünkü
everything - her şey
exist - var olmak
longer - uzun
minus - eksi
makes - markaları
called - denilen
neuralyze -
found - bulunan
giving - vererek
whole - bütün
therapy - terapi
attire - giydirmek
needed - gerekli
happily - mutlu bir şekilde
identity - kimlik
simply - basitçe
problems - sorunlar
memories - hatıralar
moment - an
thing - şey
solve - çözmek
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
whatsoever - her ne
perfect - Mükemmel
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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