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Öğrenmeye başla
I may lose my job.
In which case I'm a 44-year-old guy
with a high school diploma
and a daughter
I'd like to be able to send to college.
You're 25 years old,
with a degree from Yale
and a pretty impressive
I don't think
we're asking the right question.
I think the question
we should be asking is,
do you believe in this thing
or not?
I do.
It's a problem you think
we need to explain ourselves.
Don't. To anyone.
Now, I'm gonna see this thing
through, for better or worse.
Just tell me, do you project we'll win
more with Hatteberg or Peña at first?
It's close...
but theoretically, Hatteberg.
What are we talking about, then?
Dombrowski's on again, on 3.
Okay, that'll work.
Great. I need one more thing.
Soda. Yeah, I don't want
my guys paying for soda.
I want you to stock
my machine for three years.
I'm serious.
Great. It's a deal.
years - Yıl
worse - daha da kötüsü
which - hangi
through - vasitasiyla
three - üç
thing - şey
talking - konuşma
stock - stok
should - meli
theoretically - teorik olarak
school - okul
serious - Ciddi
right - Sağ
problem - Sorun
explain - açıklamak
machine - makine
close - kapat
think - düşünmek
daughter - kız evlat
ourselves - Kendimizi
better - Daha iyi
question - soru
again - Tekrar
believe - inanmak
first - ilk
college - kolej
paying - ödeme yapan
anyone - kimse
project - proje
apprenticeship - çıraklık
degree - derece
diploma - diploma
about - hakkında
hatteberg - hatteberg
gonna - olacak
asking - sormak
great - harika
impressive - etkileyici
pretty - güzel
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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