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Öğrenmeye başla
Come on, let's get on with it!
We don't want to be
here when this stick breaks!
I think that's better, sir.
I have seen this storm.
Afraid of a little weather, Mr. Christian?
Set the t'gallants again.
But, you see, sir,
the masts are straining, sir.
- You arguing with me?
- By no means, sir.
I was simply answering your question.
- Mr. Morrison, set the t'gallants again!
- Aye, sir!
All right, you men.
Up aloft and set the t'gallants again.
Any excuse to retard our progress, eh,
Mr. Christian?
But you wrong me, sir,
if you believe that
I would willfully obstruct our progress.
Come now, why don't you admit
you wouldn't lift a finger to speed it?
But that's absurd, sir.
Why should I not wish to do my best?
Because you are
the sort of self-styled gentleman
who thinks only one thought.
You feel only one emotion, contempt.
Contempt for effort, for ambition,
for anyone born
less fortunate than yourself.
You are poisoned with contempt,
Mr. Christian,
and it makes you useless to me.
But I assure you, sir,
that the execution of my duties
is entirely unaffected
by my private opinion of you.
Be certain of that, Mr. Christian.
Be most entirely certain.
Land ho!
yourself - kendin
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
willfully - kasten
weather - hava
useless - yararsız
unaffected - etkilenmemiş
thought - düşünce
thinks - düşünüyor
think - düşünmek
entirely - baştan sona
progress - ilerleme
emotion - duygu
duties - görevleri
christian - hristiyan
afraid - korkmuş
fortunate - şanslı
effort - çaba
certain - belli
answering - cevap veren
anyone - kimse
means - anlamına geliyor
believe - inanmak
contempt - aşağılama
gentleman - beyefendi
styled - tarz
aloft - havada
speed - hız
better - Daha iyi
admit - itiraf etmek
again - Tekrar
question - soru
ambition - hırs
private - Özel
little - küçük
breaks - sonları
obstruct - engellemek
straining - süzme
makes - markaları
arguing - tartışan
assure - sağlamak
absurd - saçma
should - meli
execution - icra
because - Çünkü
finger - parmak
masts - direkler
morrison - morrison
opinion - görüş
poisoned - zehirlenmiş
retard - geciktirmek
right - Sağ
simply - basitçe
excuse - bahane
stick - çubuk
storm - fırtına
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