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Öğrenmeye başla
I stand here right now as a changed,
humble man.
I've been in the prison correctional system
for five years now, and...
...that is exactly what I am, corrected.
I just wanted you to give me a chance.
I won't let you down.
Thank you for your time.
- Mr. Chairman, if I could have just a moment?
- Go ahead.
You see, I did my homework on this man.
And I can tell you with confidence
that he's actually quite a good liar.
That fight that got out of hand,
that was actually
Mr. Evans flying into a murderous rage
because of how the victim
was looking at his girlfriend.
And as a younger man,
there were other acts of violence,
frequently involving
the attentions of a woman.
Mr. Evans fits the criteria
of a malignant narcissist.
Charming, highly intelligent,
as you've witnessed,
but malignant narcissists
are compelled to prove their superiority.
Everything's a seduction,
and if they're rejected, or things
don't go their way, they lose control.
Some other more well-known
malignant narcissists were...
Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy...
- Now, hold on. No. Sir. Sir.
- Mr. Evans, please, just sit down.
Please, sit down, Mr. Evans.
I can tell you
there's violence in this man.
And his control over himself is slender.
I'll let my fellow board members
make up their own minds, but...
there are five families outside,
who are hoping and praying
that we do not set Colin Evans free.
Mr. Evans, as I'm sure you're aware,
to be granted parole in the state of
Tennessee, it must be a unanimous vote.
We'll take this up again in five years,
as mandated.
Ladies and gentlemen, that convenes the
state of Tennessee parole hearing for today.
Madame Secretary,
you can turn off your recording devices.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you are free to go at this time.
years - Yıl
woman - kadın
witnessed - tanık
wayne - wayne
wanted - aranan
violence - şiddet
victim - kurban
today - bugün
things - eşyalar
there - Orada
thank - teşekkür
tennessee - tennessee
system - sistem
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
seduction - iğfal
secretary - sekreter
rehabilitated - rehabilite
prove - kanıtlamak
prison - hapis
praying - dua eden
please - lütfen
outside - dışında
narcissists - narsist
narcissist - narsist
minds - zihinler
slender - ince
evans - evans
superiority - üstünlük
moment - an
criteria - kriterleri
madame - madam
could - could
humble - Mütevazi
members - üyeler
corrected - düzeltilmiş
fellow - adam
compelled - mecbur
colin - colin
correctional - ıslah
charming - büyüleyici
control - kontrol
attentions - dikkat
aware - farkında
because - Çünkü
quite - oldukça
chance - şans
devices - cihazlar
ahead - önde
malignant - habis
convenes - Toplandı
board - yazı tahtası
murderous - ölüm saçan
exactly - kesinlikle
parole - şartlı tahliye
other - diğer
dahmer - Dahmer
chairman - başkan
confidence - güven
changed - değişmiş
stand - durmak
rejected - reddedilen
fight - kavga
flying - uçan
actually - aslında
frequently - sık sık
right - Sağ
recording - kayıt
girlfriend - kız arkadaşı
involving - içeren
unanimous - oybirliği
gentlemen - beyler
again - Tekrar
families - aileleri
mandated - zorunlu
hearing - işitme
highly - büyük ölçüde
granted - verilmiş
looking - seyir
younger - daha genç
himself - kendisi
homework - ev ödevi
hoping - umut
intelligent - akıllı
their - onların
known - bilinen
ladies - kadınlar
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