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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Hello, John.
Hello, Debbie.
You look well,
how long's it been?
A few years.
Minus good behavior.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Thank you for calling.
I was gonna call you.
- Yeah, I didn't do it.
- Of course not.
You were just on camera
20 feet away
while the jewels
were being nicked.
It's a coincidence.
No. That's a solid alibi.
What is it? Is it genetic?
Are the whole family
like this?
Except for my aunt Ida.
- Librarian?
- Mmm. Homemaker.
Right, I'm gonna
make this easy for you.
I don't want you.
I just want the necklace.
I don't care.
I'll say I found it in a cab.
How about some of it?
- How much?
- Hypothetically, 10%.
And where's
the hypothetical rest?
Oh, I don't know. Literally.
Oh, God. This is exhausting!
I mean, when they said
come over, I was like... Ugh.
You know, with the jet lag,
the time difference,
Arsenal in the Cup Final
this weekend.
But now I'm here.
It's bloody interesting.
So it's not just profit,
it's revenge.
It's a twofer.
He frames you, you frame him,
scores are settled.
I'm just the courier.
All is right with the world,
it's brilliant.
Just trying to help out
an old friend.
You know, one day, you are
gonna have to let this go?
And one day, I will.
Let's just say,
for argument's sake,
that I do know where there's
a part of that necklace.
Can you get a search warrant?
I'd need probable cause.
Well, we may or may not be
working on that right now.
years - Yıl
world - Dünya
whole - bütün
while - süre
where - nerede
weekend - hafta sonu
working - çalışma
warrant - garanti
frames - çerçeveler
camera - kamera
family - Aile
minus - eksi
homemaker - ev kadını
courier - kurye
behavior - davranış
coincidence - tesadüf
final - nihai
twofer - twofer
alibi - mazeret
except - dışında
arsenal - cephanelik
about - hakkında
bloody - kanlı
thank - teşekkür
exhausting - yorucu
being - olmak
friend - arkadaş
brilliant - parlak
course - kurs
found - bulunan
settled - yerleşik
difference - fark
calling - çağrı
frame - çerçeve
probable - muhtemel
cause - sebeb olmak
hello - merhaba
gonna - olacak
hypothetical - farazi
interesting - ilginç
right - Sağ
literally - harfi harfine
hypothetically - varsayımsal
jewels - mücevherler
librarian - kütüphaneci
necklace - kolye
nicked - çentikli
solid - katı
profit - kâr
debbie - debbie
revenge - intikam
search - arama
trying - çalışıyor
genetic - genetik
scores - skorlar
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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