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Öğrenmeye başla
- Why don't you let the boy defend himself?
- And in the second place...
this rocket proves nothing.
You've already admitted having lost
a number of your rockets.
You cannot prove conclusively that
another one of them didn't start that fire.
Yes, I can.
Are we to conclude, Mr. Hickam,
that since leaving school,
you've not only become
an expert in rocket science,
but in the field
of trigonometry?
- I didn't say that...
- Obviously, you learned more...
in the coal mines
than you did in high school.
Let the boy talk.
Go ahead, Homer.
And that fire was near Welch, just
under three miles from our launchpad.
And at the time of the fire, the best
that we could do was one point two miles.
which is exactly where we found
that rocket, Mr. Turner.
See, Mr. Turner, that rocket
fell for about fourteen seconds,
which means that it flew to an altitude
of three thousand feet
according to the equation,
"S" equals one-half "A", "T" squared
where "S" is the altitude,
"A" is the gravity constant thirty two
and "T" is the time it took
for that rocket to come back down.
- Velocity equals...
- Get him... get him.
Are you following this,
Mr. Turner?
All right,
we're all duly impressed.
But do you mind telling me, if you
did not start that fire, who did?
What is it?
Whatever it is, it's ingenious.
The fins are spring-loaded.
That isn't a rocket
at all.
It's an aeronautical flare.
There's an airport here in Welch,
right above where the fire started.
Mr. Hickam, report to my office
as soon as we return to school.
You do intend to enter the
county science fair, do you not?
Yes, sir, we do.
Well, if you intend
to represent Big Creek,
you're gonna have to be enrolled
as a student at Big Creek.
where - nerede
welch - şartları yerine getirmemek
velocity - hız
under - altında
turner - tornacı
trigonometry - trigonometri
whatever - her neyse
three - üç
telling - söylüyorum
student - öğrenci
spring - bahar
second - ikinci
school - okul
rockets - roketler
rocket - roket
right - Sağ
report - rapor
proves - kanıtlıyor
prove - kanıtlamak
point - puan
represent - temsil etmek
obviously - belli ki
number - numara
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
ahead - önde
having - sahip olan
conclusively - kesin
himself - kendisi
prodigenous - prodigenous
found - bulunan
enter - girmek
learned - bilgili
according - göre
return - dönüş
ingenious - hünerli
already - zaten
thirty - otuz
science - bilim
means - anlamına geliyor
start - başlama
equals - eşittir
cannot - yapamam
following - takip etme
become - olmak
conclude - sonuçlandırmak
field - alan
seconds - saniye
admitted - kabul edilmiş
airport - havalimanı
exactly - kesinlikle
enrolled - kaydedilmiş
equation - denklem
about - hakkında
place - yer
office - ofis
another - bir diğeri
started - başladı
mines - mayınlar
aeronautical - havacılık
altitude - rakım
squared - karesi
county - kontluk
which - hangi
constant - sabit
expert - uzman
miles - mil
flare - işaret fişeği
defend - savunmak
launchpad - launchpad
creek - dere
gonna - olacak
hickam -
gravity - yerçekimi
above - yukarıdaki
loaded - yüklü
since - dan beri
could - could
homer - beysbolde tur vuruşu
thousand - bin
impressed - etkilendim
fourteen - on dört
intend - niyet etmek
leaving - ayrılma
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