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Öğrenmeye başla
would you walk us through
a typical day for you?
- Yeah.
- Great.
Well, I generally come in
at least fifteen minutes late.
I use the side door.
That way Lumbergh can't see me.
And after that, I just sort of space out
for about an hour.
- Space out?
- Yeah.
I just stare at my desk.
But it looks like I'm working.
I do that for probably
another hour after lunch, too.
I'd say in a given week...
I probably only do about
fifteen minutes of real, actual work.
Peter, would you be a good
sport and indulge us and just
tell us a little more?
Oh, yeah.
Let me tell you something
about T.P.S. Reports.
The thing is, Bob,
it's not that I'm lazy.
It's that I just don't care.
Don't care?
It's a problem of motivation,
all right?
Now, if I work my ass off
and Initech ships a few extra units
I don't see another dime.
So where's the motivation?
And here's something else, Bob.
I have 8 different bosses right now.
- I beg your pardon?
- Eight bosses.
- Eight?
- Eight, Bob.
So that means that
when I make a mistake...
I have eight different people
coming by to tell me about it.
That's my only real motivation,
is not to be hassled.
That and the fear of losing my job.
But you know, Bob...
that'll only make someone work
just hard enough not to get fired.
Would you bear with me
for just a second, please?
What if, and believe me...
this is strictly hypothetical,
but what if you were offered
some kind of a stock option...
equity-sharing program?
Would that do anything for you?
I don't know. I guess.
Listen, I'm gonna go.
It's been really nice talking
to both of you guys.
The pleasure's all
on this side of the table, trust me.
Good luck with your layoffs, all right?
I hope your firings go really well.
typical - tipik
trust - güven
table - tablo
stock - stok
stare - bakıyorum
space - uzay
something - bir şey
someone - Birisi
ships - gemiler
sharing - paylaşım
fired - ateş
given - verilmiş
great - harika
guess - tahmin
sport - spor
indulge - şımartmak
listen - dinlemek
equity - eşitlik
enough - yeterli
reports - Raporlar
after - sonra
actual - gerçek
probably - muhtemelen
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
different - farklı
another - bir diğeri
generally - genellikle
anything - her şey
please - lütfen
strictly - kesinlikle
peter - Peter
fifteen - onbeş
second - ikinci
hassled - koruma
bosses - patronlar
losing - kaybetme
believe - inanmak
units - birimler
eight - sekiz
right - Sağ
minutes - dakika
coming - gelecek
really - gerçekten mi
means - anlamına geliyor
gonna - olacak
hypothetical - farazi
layoffs - işten çıkarmalar
initech - Initech
mistake - hata
would - olur
least - en az
motivation - motivasyon
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
people - insanlar
working - çalışma
lumbergh - Lumbergh
looks - görünüyor
thing - şey
lunch - öğle yemeği
offered - sunulan
option - seçenek
firings - işten
pardon - pardon
problem - Sorun
extra - ekstra
program - program
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