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Öğrenmeye başla
Afternoon, ma'am. I was wondering
if Mr Bates might be at home.
Mr Bates is dead.
He died over a week ago.
Oh, you mean he passed over, ma'am?
Why, I was just talking to him
not less than a month ago.
What was it you wanted?
Well... My name is Pray, Kansas
Bible Company.
I'm just here to deliver this bible
that Mr Bates ordered.
- Bible?
- Who is it? What's the trouble?
Something about Benjamin buying a bible.
Bible? What kind of bible?
He said he talked to Benjamin,
less than a month ago.
Well, I'm... I'm not exactly sure
of the dates, ma'am.
Well, I don't see how.
Benjamin didn't go
nowheres near that shop
for more than a month
before he died.
Well, I may be a little
mixed up on the dates.
What company you say you're from?
The Kansas Bible Company,
out of Wichita.
Kansas Bible Company?
I ain't never heard of
no Kansas Bible Company.
Daddy, can't we go now? I want to
get to church and pray for Mama.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure we can, honey.
Daddy was just fixin' to leave.
This here is my little girl.
It's just the two of us now.
- My Mama's gone to the Lord.
- Oh, so has poor Mr Bates, honey.
I'll just, uh, give you back
his dollar deposit,
and you let us know if
there's anything we can do.
Hold on, there. Wait one damn minute.
He actually done ordered a bible, huh?
Uh, he sure did. Here it is, right here
in gold for somebody named "Marie".
That's her. She's Marie.
Oh, she sure did
mean a lot to him.
He especially had me get
the deluxe edition.
How much to keep
this here book?
- 12 dollars?
- 12 dollars?
Uh, yeah, well, honey, we have
to have a little goodness in our hearts,
- I mean, considering the circumstances.
- Never mind the circumstances.
And if it'll make that woman happy,
I'll take it.
You owe me 85 dollars and 74 cents.
wichita - wichita
wanted - aranan
trouble - sorun
dollars - dolar
there - Orada
bates - Bates
exactly - kesinlikle
edition - baskı
hearts - kalpler
dates - tarih
daddy - baba
company - Şirket
circumstances - koşullar
considering - düşünen
before - önce
nowheres - nowheres'de
deposit - mevduat
church - kilise
afternoon - öğleden sonra
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
kansas - kansas
bible - kutsal kitap
deluxe - delüks
wondering - merak ediyor
actually - aslında
might - belki
woman - kadın
buying - alış
cents - cent
especially - özellikle
goodness - iyilik
deliver - teslim etmek
honey - bal
something - bir şey
happy - mutlu
heard - duymuş
leave - ayrılmak
minute - dakika
little - küçük
month - ay
marie - marie
mixed - karışık
benjamin - evin en küçüğü
right - Sağ
named - adlı
never - asla
dollar - dolar
anything - her şey
ordered - düzenli
somebody - birisi
passed - geçti
talked - konuştuk
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